Page 22 of Luke

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"Really? That's great news!" Luke exclaimed, his face lighting up at the thought of their growing family.

"And Olivia and Alex are circling one another. Maybe he has found his match in her.” Eve continued, her excitement infectious.

"About time," Luke agreed, grinning broadly as he imagined the look of sheer joy on his brother's face. "And Ryan, Ethan, and Jackson?"

"Ryan's still traveling the world, but he's met someone special in Australia, so who knows where that could lead?" Eve mused. "Ethan's been spending more time with a local artist, and it looks like they might be getting serious. And Jackson… well, let's just say that Maya has him completely smitten."

"Good," Luke nodded, satisfaction spreading through his chest as he contemplated the happiness that awaited each of his brothers. They all deserved it. He parked the car out the front of their house and watched as Eve gathered her bag, ready to go in. He reached across and took her chin and drew her to him, kissing her deeply, feeling her melt against him.

"Come on," he urged, taking Eve's hand and leading her towards their front door. "Let's go make some memories of our own."

Luke eyed the ginger feline as it slunk after them. Luke knowing the uneasy treaty he had made with the cat would only last as long he kept giving him treats. He slipped some catnip out of his pocket as he followed Eve, smiling as the cat stopped and lost interest in them as he nipped his treat. It took a while but Luke had finally found something that made Fred tolerate him.

He turned to Eve who gave him her knowing smile before their laughter echoed through the house. Their house.

His life was now complete.

The End
