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Draco was in his usual place.

Dillon told Draco what Brent had said.

“Mercenary, huh?” Draco said. “It seems that he is going to be a major problem.”

“He could be. He has no conscience about who he kills or why. The way Brent was telling it, the man was bragging about torturing and killing Andy.”

“That may be a problem that we have to deal with later on,” Draco said. “It would have to be done discreetly.”

“Give the word,” Dillon said, who was still seething at the thought of what Andy must have gone through.

“Andy’s parents are safe,” Draco said. “They came through the portal a couple of hours ago.”

“Glad to hear it,” Dillon said.

“In light of things, I’m going to send a reinforcement back with you,” Draco said.

“Who?” Dillon asked.

“Me, Brother,” Ethan Rainey said.

Ethan was a bear shifter and Dillon’s best friend.

“Be careful,” Draco said. “Don’t do anything hasty, but do what you have to do. I trust your judgement.”

Dismissed, Dillon and Ethan began the long journey back down the mountain.



Clara was alarmed when Jamie came back into the café.

She grabbed her friend by the shoulders and asked, “Jamie, what’s wrong?”

“Remember I told you that my friend was missing?” she asked.

“Yes,” Clara said.

“I just found out that he is dead,” Jamie said.

“How do you know?” Clara said.

“I was just notified by Dillon. He knows everything that goes on in town,” Jamie said.

“What happened?” Clara asked.

“I’m positive that he was killed by hunters,” Jamie said. “They will make sure that his body will never be found.”

“I’m so sorry,” Clara said. “I wish that there was something that I could do.”

“Just promise me that you won’t tell anyone that I’m a shifter,” Jamie said. “If anyone around here finds out that I’m a shifter, they’ll torture and kill me.”

“I swear,” Clara said. “Why would they torture you before killing you?”

“They are desperate to find the portal to the shifter world. The witches who created the portal put a spell on it so that no mundane human could ever find it. They want to find a way to get into the shifter world. The word is that they torture any shifter that they can find, hoping that the shifters will give up the location.”

“Do the shifters know the location?” Clara asked.
