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It didn’t take long for Zeke to fall asleep with his faithful companion snuggled next to him. Clara fixed herself a glass of wine and sat on the couch.

“I am so glad that Zeke and Dillon have such a special bond. I know that it means the world to Zeke,” Clara said to the air. “I just hope that Dillon doesn’t do anything to break my little boy’s heart.”



Dillon watched Clara and Zeke drive off and then went back into his house. He kicked off his boots, grabbed a beer, and settled down on the couch. He turned on the television but wasn’t really paying attention to it.

He had a lot of fun playing with Zeke. The kid was a huge ball of energy. He wondered how Clara kept up with him by herself. He had worn Dillon out in just one evening.

One thing about it, though, Zeke was an easy kid to love. He was smart, loving, and extremely well behaved. Dillon smiled when he thought about how much Zeke loved his dog. Dillon certainly loved having Zeke and Clara around.

Once again, he thought about what it would be like to have a family. Clara and Zeke were a ready-made family, although he would definitely want children of his own someday. He smiled as he pictured a houseful of kids.

There would definitely be some issues if he and Clara decided to move their relationship to the next level, whatever that might be. The main issue was John. John was certain to create some kind of drama if Clara told John that she and Dillon were serious.

“I wonder what she has told him about us and what his reaction was?” Dillon mused aloud. “I’m sure that Zeke has said something about me, although I hope that he hasn’t mentioned anything about me being a shifter.”

Dillon was pretty sure that Zeke would keep his promise and not tell anyone about that.

John seems to me to be someone who is happy to bully someone he perceives to be weaker than him. Once he figures out that I won’t back down and I won’t take his bullying, he’ll take a step back. If our relationship did take that next step, John would have no choice but to lay off.

That brought the question back around to what that would look like. The two of them were exclusive.

The thought of popping the question entered into his mind, but he quickly nixed that idea.

“I’m definitely not ready to go there yet,” he told himself.

He looked around his house. Dillon had to admit that he liked having a place to retreat to that was quiet. He liked having his own space, where he could just sit down and watch a ballgame or aDie Hardmovie.

“Maybe it’s better to leave things as they are for now,” he said.

A couple of minutes later, the front door opened. Ethan went into the kitchen, grabbed a beer, and sat on the chair across from the couch.

“How was your evening?” Ethan asked.

“It was good. I grilled some hamburgers, and then Clara and I took Zeke to the park. I can’t believe how much energy he has. He wore my butt out,” Dillon said.

“You can’t fool me. You loved it,” Ethan said.

“Yes, I did. I love Zeke. He’s a great kid,” Dillon said.

“Are things getting serious between you and Clara?” Ethan asked.

“Hell, I don’t know. I have feelings for her, and she has feelings for me. That’s about all I know.”

“It’s a starting point,” Ethan said. “As for me, I’m nowhere near close to being ready to be tied down.”

“I think that you’ve mentioned that a time or two.” Dillon laughed. “What have you been up to this evening?”

“Just hanging out with some of the guys, having some drinks at Daniel’s. All the signs point to the fact that hunters got to that couple. According to Sean, who works at the hospital, the lab confirmed that the blood was shifter blood. The lab tech, who is a shifter, destroyed the sample and some of the guys went to the rock and washed all the blood off so no more samples could be taken from it. All we need is for there to be some kind of proof that a so-called humanoid species exists,” Ethan said. “The police have the gun casing, but you know the cops around here aren’t going to be checking anyone’s firearms too closely, especially the hunters.”

“That is true. Almost all of them are on the Faisons’ payroll.”

“The fact that no traces of their bodies have been found is also an indication that they were caught by hunters. If they were attacked by animals, there would be something left behind. With all the people looking for them, they would have been found,” Ethan said.

“I would like to know what the Faisons do with the bodies of the shifters they kill,” Dillon said.
