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“It was okay, I guess,” Zeke said. “Daddy mostly watched ballgames on the television. I played with Joey from next door for a while. Mostly I played video games in my room.”

“I’m sorry that it wasn’t more fun,” Clara said.

“I missed Reno,” Zeke said. “I missed you, too.”

Clara’s lips twitched into a smile. She thought that she was more of an afterthought. Zeke loved the puppy that he was cradling in his arms.

“Dad asked if I had met new friends in Ivy Springs. I told him that Dillon was my friend. I told Dad about Dillon reading to me,” Zeke said. “I hope that was okay.”

“Of course, it was, honey,” Clara said.

“I didn’t tell him that Dillon was a wolf shifter. I promised Dillon that I would never tell anyone, and I didn’t.”

“That’s a good thing,” Clara said. “There are some bad men who might go after Dillon and try to hurt him if they knew that he could shift into a wolf.”

“I promise never to tell anyone,” Zeke said. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to Dillon.”

Zeke fell asleep halfway home. Clara thought about John. He was calm today. He was actually a little too calm, especially after Clara had admitted that Dillon had been over to the house for dinner. She was worried about what John would do next.

Dillon called just as Clara and Zeke got back into town. She answered with her car’s blue tooth.

“Hey, I’m grilling some hamburgers and thought that the two of you might be hungry,” Dillon said.

“The three of us,” Zeke yelled from the back seat.

“Yes, the three of you,” Dillon said, laughing.

“Can we go, Mom?” Zeke asked.

“Sure,” Clara said.

Dillon had fries and hamburgers waiting for them when they got to his place. He had even made a special hamburger patty for Reno.

After dinner, it is still light enough for them to go to the park. The three of them played tag for a little bit, with the puppy staying right on Zeke’s heels.

Tired out a little, Zeke ran over to the swings. He wanted to show Dillon how high in the air he could go. After a while on the swings, Zeke headed to the merry go round.

“Push me, Dillon,” Zeke demanded. “Make it go fast.”

Dillon spun the ride around in circles until Zeke was laughing so hard that he got the hiccups.

It was starting to get dark. Zeke scooped up his puppy in his arms and the three of them walked back to Dillon’s house.

Zeke yawned widely.

“I don’t know who is more tired, me or Zeke.” Dillon laughed.

“And he had a nap on the way home,” Clara said.

“It takes a lot of energy to be a six-year-old boy,” Dillon said.

“I guess it does,” Clara said.

Dillon walked them to her car. He opened up the car door for her. Then, he wrapped his arms around her and planted a firm kiss on her lips.

“Ewww,” Zeke said from the back seat.

Clara and Dillon laughed.
