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Jamie nodded.

“I would just wait until the relationship does get serious, because, at that point, you obviously will trust him.”

Jamie nodded and replied, “That makes sense.”

Clara left to go pick up Zeke from school and stop by the house for Reno. By the time she got back, the café was busy. It seemed that every person in the area suddenly had a need for some hot drinks and sweet treats.

At the end of the day, Jamie looked around the café and wiped her forehead.

“Wow. They left us a mess.”

“Yes, they did,” Clara said.

She smiled as Zeke got up and started collecting the trash and dishes from the tables.

“You’re going to have to put him on the payroll,” Jamie said.

“Right now, he’s happy to work for pizza, ice cream, and the occasional video game.”

Zeke brought some dishes to the counter and asked, “Have you been good this year, Jamie?”

“I think so, why?”

“Because Santa has been watching all year long and will bring you a nice present if you were good,” Zeke said.

His face was very serious as he told Jamie about Santa.

“It also helps if you leave him a snack. A lot of people leave cookies, but I like to leave cheese and crackers. If you eat too many cookies, you can get sick, and I don’t want Santa to get sick.”

“That is very true,” Jamie said. “I never thought about leaving a snack besides cookies. Do you leave anything for the reindeer?”

“Mom has some oats that we leave. I’m happy to gives those to the reindeer because I don’t like oatmeal,” Zeke declared.

“Is Reno going to get a present from Santa Clause, too?” Jamie asked.

“He’s been a very good boy. He learned to potty outside in just a couple of days. I think that Santa should give him a present.”

Zeke looked up at his mother as he spoke.

Clara smiled and nodded.

“I think that Reno should get a present from Santa.”

A huge grin covered Zeke’s face as he went back to his appointed duties of collecting dishes and trash with the tiny chihuahua right on his heels.

“You are so good with him,” Clara said. “He adores you. He talks about you all the time.”

“He is an easy kid to love.”

“Who knows. Before too much longer you can have a ton of kids of your own running around.”

“I think that you’re moving a little too fast there. We haven’t even been on our first date. We might go out and I find out that he chews with his mouth open or that he picks his teeth with a steak knife.”

“I could definitely see where that would be a deal breaker.” Clara laughed.

Jamie’s laughter died out abruptly when the bell on the door alerted them that someone had come in. Her face went completely white and her eyes got wide. She dropped the cup that she was holding. The sound of it shattering echoed as the warm liquid inside splashed everywhere.

“Jamie, what’s wrong?”
