Page 61 of Lyric of Wind

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“Yeah, I’ve heard that before.” Taryn kicked a pebble on the street in front of her. Still Raven kept her hand outstretched.

“Me too. I heard it dozens of times until I stopped believing. But I’m asking you to take a chance, Taryn. On me. On us. I want you to be a part of my family. I’ve come back, just for you, and then we’re leaving Galway forever. If you’ll be a part of my family, that is…”

“You’re…wait, what? You want to, like, adopt me?” Taryn squinted at her. “For real?”

“For real and forever. If you’ll have me. But…” Raven lifted a finger before Taryn could respond. “You need to know all the facts first. That’s not my secret. Remember when I was running from trouble?”

“Yes.” It was a whisper, and Taryn watched her with suspicious eyes.

“I was dealing with some magickal bad guys. The Fae to be exact.” Raven waited while Taryn rolled her eyes. “I know. Trust me, sure and I know it’s sounding ridiculous. But it’s the truth. The Fae are real, and if you come with me, you never have to live here again. You can come to a magickal world and live as a fairy princess.”

“Now you’re just taking the piss out of me,” Taryn grumbled, anger flashing across her face. “I thought you really wanted to see me.”

“I’m not, I promise. Just…” Raven turned her head. “Kellen? Can you come here?”

In seconds, Kellen appeared at their side with the two Alicorns and a soft wheezing sound escaped Taryn. The girl instantly gripped Raven’s hand, leaning into her side, as she gaped up at the Alicorns in shock.

“I guess it is easier to show you, isn’t it?”

“Are those real?” Taryn whispered in Raven’s ear.

“They are. Pretty cool, huh? And this man right here? That’s Kellen. He’s my…well, he’s my everything. We want you to be a part of our family, if you are okay with leaving Galway and coming to live with us.”

“Where?” Taryn asked.

“With the Fae. In another land.”

“Will they be there?” Taryn pointed at the Alicorns.

“Loads of them. Babies even. You can learn to fly them. What do you say?” Raven turned to face Taryn, hope dancing in her chest.

“You’ve never lied to me. Not once,” Taryn said, meeting Raven’s eyes. “Adults always lie to me. Or tell me, like, half the truth. Except you. You said it like it was. Even when it was hard to hear. You didn’t treat me like I was stupid or annoying.”

“You’re not stupid or annoying. You’ve always been my favorite, Taryn. You’ve got a good heart, and I know how much you hate being on the street. You’re not like the others. Remember how you returned that woman’s phone? The street hasn’t broken you. This is your chance to live a life beyond your wildest dreams. Please, let me give you this, a home, a family, magick, even.”

“And him?” Taryn shifted, glancing up at where Kellen smiled down from his Alicorn. “He’s not gonna hurt me?”

“Oh, Taryn. No,never.He’s not like that. And even if someone tried, the Alicorns will have your back. They are fiercely protective of their young.”

“They’d protect me?” Taryn’s eyes widened, and Raven wondered if Riker was projecting an image in her head.

“They would. So, what do you say? Will you be my family, Taryn?” This time, Raven stood and held out her hand, waiting. When Taryn finally reached out, her small palm gripping Raven’s tightly, Raven’s heart broke open.

“Fringe friend forever,” Taryn said.

“Fringefamilyforever,” Raven amended, her heart brimming with happiness as they took flight, leaving the streets of Galway behind forever.

* * *
