Page 101 of Arranged Silverfox

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“We should be thanking you, honestly,” he said as he pushed open a heavy red door. Jasmine stood, surrounded by scraps of lace. It almost looked like fake snow. Pieces were caught in her hair; a measuring tape was slung around her neck. She faced the mannequin that held my dress like they were about to start boxing. This dress was Jasmine’s opponent, and she was determined to win.

Jasmine cranked her neck to the side and cracked it before rolling her shoulders back.

“I figured it out!” she declared. I noticed an empty box of elastic near her foot. Jasmine’s strategy so far had been to use an elastic bodice to stretch the limits of physics and fabric. She’d used the excess fabric from the back of the dress, but we were running out. I was worried that the dress would turn into a mini dress, which would surely send my mother to an early grave.

“How?” I asked. I loved Jasmine, but I was beginning to doubt the feasibility of this dress. I was growing too fast for her to adjust my measurements.

Jasmine rubbed her hands together like a mad scientist.

“Put your dress on, but don’t button it,” she instructed.

My jaw hit the floor. “What do you mean don’t button it? Just have me hanging out in front of everyone I know?” I yelped. This was starting to sound like a nightmare where you’re giving a speech, and you realize you’re naked.

“Trust me,” Jasmine affirmed, unzipping the dress.

I changed and stepped into the dress. To my surprise, the fabric held firm even without the added pressure of the zipper; the bodice wasn’t flopping forward. Instead, it was bolstered by my belly and my sore boobs.

“Now, for the new star of the show,” Jasmine grabbed some of the scraps off the table behind her. Then I realized they weren’t scraps. It was some sort of micro-shrug made of old lace, with a tiny back and long sleeves.

“The shrug!” Jasmine said dreamily.

“The shrug? Like it’s 2005?” I exclaimed.

“Don’t mock it before you try it,” Jasmine said as she handed it to me.

I slipped the shrug on over my shoulders. The lace was itchy, but it wasn’t too tight. I twirled around in the mirror; the shrug covered the open back perfectly. She’d lined the inside of the back so the buttons wouldn’t show through.

“It worked,” I whispered.

Jasmine beamed. “Never doubt the power of a shrug. Now, it might get a little hot since it’ll be at the end of summer, so drink plenty of water, and if you’re too hot, take it off.” Jasmine instructed.

She grabbed another garment bag. “This is your reception dress.” She unzipped the garment bag to reveal a cloud-soft, flowy, white chiffon gown. I’d tried it on last week, the waist was elastic, and the straps were made of chiffon; it was almost as comfortable as wearing a nightgown, except the front of the dress came together in a deep vee. I was obsessed with it, I honestly liked it more than my wedding dress. Jasmine made it custom for me right before I found out I was pregnant. It would be her first original wedding dress.

I squealed and clapped my hands together. “I still can’t believe I get to wear a Jasmine original on my wedding day!”

Jasmine hugged me. “You know I had to make you something new. I’m so excited.”

I squeezed her back.

“Alright, I need to get back to work, but you text me if you need anything,” Jasmine said.

“Look at you go, congratulations! I owe you new-job cookies.”

Jasmine grinned. “Thank you! It works out so well! I can walk to work, rules.”

“You’re such a superstar,” I gushed.

Later that night, I drove back to Dover to transport the banner and the rest of the market supplies to the shop. Since I was in the neighborhood, I stopped by Olivia’s store. We’d been hanging out more and more as my pregnancy progressed. I was especially grateful for her because she was the only person I knew who was a young mom with a business. She convinced me that I could have my babies and still run The Cookie Cove. Her store was thriving! Joey started to request story time by name.

Olivia smiled when she saw me. “Hey, neighbor!”

“Hey! How’s it going?” I asked.

“I’m wrapping up for the day, and then I’m going to my mom’s house to pick up Joey. Do you want to come with me? Are you doing anything for dinner?” She asked.

“Sure, I’d love to! I have the Penthouse to myself tonight anyway, Sebastian’s at some boy’s club investors’ dinner for the mall. You know they’re putting up more scaffolding this week?” I asked.

“No way!” Olivia exclaimed. She finished counting the cash drawer and closed it. We went out the back to her car.
