Page 45 of Arranged Silverfox

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“Oh, Sebastian, you should have told us!” Eloise exclaimed.

“This is one of the hardest trails. We would’ve taken a lap around the paddock if we knew. I’m so sorry!”

“It’s okay,” I said. Buster stomped impatiently, ready to cause more chaos.

“Here, if we cut down that hill, it’s all flat,” Eloise explained.

“Just tap once if you want him to walk,” Becca added. I did as I was told, and Buster finally took up a leisurely pace, allowing me to observe the lush forest.

“Horses are a lot like business. You think you’re getting one thing, then bam; suddenly, you’re holding on for dear life,” Tim mused as he ambled behind me.

“You can say that again. I’m having a beast of a time with the Dover Mall project.” I didn’t know why I wanted to open up to Tim about this, but he seemed trustworthy.

“That’s Anthony Quinn, right?” Tim replied.

“It should be. He refuses to sign.”

“That old bastard loves to watch people squirm. I’ll shoot him an email for you. He pulled the exact same shit with me last year when I negotiated the lease for that gymnastics place off main street. He only signed because I caught him fucking his secretary. He owes me one,” Tim said.

“Really? You’d do that for me?”

“Of course. Any friend of Becca’s is a friend of mine. I love to help my friends out when I can. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other quite a bit. Eloise is delighted to have another pair of couple friends.”

“Thanks, Tim,” I said. We’d come to the end of the trail and had circled back to the barn’s main entrance.

“No problem. I can tell you’re pretty bold, Sebastian. You’re not afraid to take risks and try new things. That’s an invaluable trait to have in business. I hope we work together soon,” Tim said as he dismounted Titan. He walked over to me and let me grab his arm as I practically rolled off Buster. I’d never been more grateful to be walking on solid ground. We walked our horses back to their stalls. Of course, Buster refused to back into his stall, and Eloise had to wrangle him for me. Buster had no problem with Eloise. She ran into a supply closet off to the side and returned with an apple.

“Here, give this to Buster,” she instructed.

I laid my palm out flat, and she placed the apple in the middle. Buster gave me a side eye, then finally accepted.

Rebecca walked over to me and looped her arm around my waist, “You were right! You’re friends with Buster now!” she joked. Her cheeks were flushed, round, and red as the apple in my palm. Buster gummed the apple and flicked his ears contentedly.

“Something like that,” I said.

The four of us ate lunch together at a chic bistro near one of the vineyards. It was a beautiful day, so we sat outside and observed the grapes growing on the vines. Our waiter offered us a bottle of fresh red wine to taste. I took a sip. It was sweet but still bitter and full-bodied. We ordered a flatbread for the table, and I could finally relax. My calves screamed from the ride. Who knew horseback riding required strength?

“Damn, I’m sore. I feel like I just had a workout,” I noted as I sipped my wine.

“That’s because you did! Horseback riding is no joke,” Eloise replied. She was right. I thought we were going for a leisurely trail ride, not leg day. My hamstrings twinged.

“People don’t think it’s a sport, but the amount of core strength and control you need to ride is comparable to most sports, if not more,” Becca added.

“I can see that now,” I muttered. I reached for the carafe of water the waiter left on our table and poured myself a glass, drinking it in one gulp.

Tim thumped me on the back. “Same thing happened to me when Elle first took me riding,” he said.

“Yeah, except you fell off your horse. Sebastian actually managed to stay on. That was impressive. He’s a keeper, Bex,” Eloise declared.

“I wanted to bail, but I was too scared, so I clung to his neck hair.” I admitted.

Becca laughed so hard she snorted. “You mean his mane?”

I shrugged. “Hey, I’m still new at this.” I put my hands up defensively.

“Horses are terrifying until you get to know them. They’re gigantic! Buster’s like a thousand pounds,” Tim exclaimed. I was glad he was backing me up, grateful for another ally in business and friendship. Rebecca smiled at me from across the table. She was ecstatic that her plan worked.

After lunch, we decided to spring for a couple’s massage while Eloise and Tim returned to their summer home. My muscles screamed, and I relished any opportunity to be horizontal and glimpse Rebecca. The resort spa was in a pale pink building with white marble floors. Calming music piped through the speakers, and the air was heavy with the scent of jasmine and sea salt. I walked up to the front desk, where a woman was busily typing.
