Page 72 of Quiet

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”I won’t be long,” I said, turning to look at the yellow taxi over my shoulder. ”I promise.”

”You’re on your own, bitch,” the taxi driver said, flipping me off before he skidded away from me.

I ignored the insult and took a deep breath, steeling myself for what I might find. As I walked through the park, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. The shadows seemed to shift and writhe around me, and a sense of dread crept over me like a suffocating blanket.

”Sam?” I called out, my voice echoing in the emptiness. ”Sam, it's Sofia. Where are you?”

There was no response, and I began to get nervous. I picked up my pace, my eyes darting around the decrepit rides and abandoned food stands. Suddenly, I heard a noise, a rustling in the bushes nearby.

My heart pounding, I made my way over to the source of the sound. The only thing I had on me was the little purse with some make-up and the nail file I'd first taken from my apartment, but in the pitch dark of the abandoned theme park, I didn't know how that was going to do me any good.

As I approached the bushes, I saw a figure slumped against a tree, his body obscured by the shadows.

”Sam?” I called out, my voice trembling.

Before I could process what was happening, someone was grabbing me by the shoulders, a hand wrapped around my throat and a large hand on my face.

”Shh,” I turned my head to look at where the voice was coming from, but I didn't need to. ”Sof, be quiet. We don't have much time.”


”You weren't supposed to take the bait.”

”What are you–”

”There's no time to explain. Reach into my left pocket and grab the keys. There's a car parallel parked next to the Boba Tea store across the street, a little Dodge Neon. These are the keys to that car. I want you to use it and then I want you to go as far as you can from the city. Get your boyfriend to give you money. Go to Georgia, fuck, Sof, go all the way to New York. Go north until the car dies.”

I didn't understand what was happening, but the urgency in my brother's voice was enough to spur me into action. I fumbled with his pocket, my hands shaking as I tried to locate the keys. Finally, my fingers closed around a cold metal object, and I pulled the keys out, my heart racing.

”Sam, what's going on?” I asked, fear lacing my voice.

”There's no time. Just take the car and go. You need to get as far away from here as possible,” he said, his eyes scanning the area nervously.

I hesitated, unsure of what to do.

”What about you?”

His ragged breathing stopped for a second. ”I’ll catch up to you,” he said, his voice shaky.

I didn’t believe him.


”I love you, Sof,” he said. ”Please do this for me.”

I could see the desperation in his eyes and the fear in his voice. I didn't understand what was happening, but I knew that I had to trust him. I nodded, my mind racing as I tried to figure out my next move.

”Okay,” I said, taking a deep breath. ”Okay, I'll go.”

”Be quiet,” he replied. ”And promise me you'll run.”

I nodded, turning to look at him. Even in the pitch black of the abandoned theme park, I could tell that he looked like shit. His dark hair was sticking to his sweaty forehead, and his clothes were torn and stained. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. I took a step closer to him, my heart breaking at the sight of him in such a state.

”I promise,” I said. ”As long as you come with me.”

”Sof, we don’t have time for–”

He was interrupted by the sound of something metallic cracking against his skull. It took my brain a few seconds to process what I was seeing.
