Page 105 of Wrong For You

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She nods, resolute. “That’s why I feel justified in my decision.”

“Which is?”

Morgan’s posture straightens. “To step away. Permanently.”

I gape at her, not certain the message came across correctly. “Is this something you’ve really—”

“Yes,” she confirms before I can finish. “If I stayed, I would only cause more damage. Sydney doesn’t deserve that.”

My flinch can’t be contained. “You’re sure that’s what you want?”

Her frustration at my disbelief bleeds through when she tosses her hands up. “It doesn’t matter if it’s what I want. What’s best for Sydney is the priority.”

“That’s very selfless,” I commend.

She swipes at a stray tear. “Maybe, or I’m finally getting an out that I can accept. I never deserved her, and I’ve been such a disappointment.”

“But you’re still her mother.”

“Am I?” Her pause is brief. “I might’ve given birth to Sydney, but it’s obvious you’re meant to raise her.”

I glance at the ceiling to keep my own tears from leaking. “Wow, that’s… just wow. I’m not trying to be insensitive, but this is hard for me to digest.”

“You’re good.” Morgan’s grin is calm, but resigned. “I’m not meant to be a mother, but you are. Will you take care of her for me?”

My lips tuck between my teeth to stop trembling. “I could never replace you.”

“I’m not asking you to. Just be there for Sydney like I can’t.” Her stare is a plea I’m not capable of refusing. “It shouldn’t be hard. She’s already claimed you as hers, which makes me happier than you probably realize.”

“You’re just planning to vanish without letting Syd know?” My tone is stricken even to my own ears.

“If I tell her I’m leaving for good, she’ll just be more confused. It’s better if I just disappear. Then it’s on you to love her the way I’m unable to.”

“No pressure,” I blubber.

“None whatsoever, but could you do me a favor?” Morgan passes me an envelope across the table. “Give this to her once she’s old enough to understand.”

I accept the task without hesitation. “Of course.”

“Maybe she’ll have a few fond memories of me. Or maybe not. Either way, she’s going to have you always.” She slides another envelope across the space between us. “This one is for Jake. I’ve signed the required documents to relinquish my parental rights.”

“Oh, gosh. This is official.” A strangled noise rips from me while I nod repeatedly. “I’ll do everything in my power to honor you and your wishes.”

“That’s all I ask.” She stands, the motion steeped in finality.

I leap to my feet. “Can I hug you?”

Morgan collapses against me, the fight draining from her limbs. “Thank you, Harper. Please take care of them.”

“I promise.”

And then she’s gone, never to return again.

My knees buckle and I fold onto the chair. Sensations overwhelm me. All that’s left to do is hang my head, bury my face in a cupped palm, and let the tears spill over.

Iforce my gaze from the brick building as soundless expletives demand progress. In response, my boots pummel the concrete in a valiant attempt to carve a path. We’ve been camped across the street, waiting for… what exactly remains a mystery. The important factor is that Harper is inside talking to Morgan. It’s the unknown that’s taking a sledgehammer to my composure.

“What’s taking so long?” Syd’s impatience mirrors mine. “We’ve been stomping on the sidewalk foreverrrrr.”
