Page 68 of Wrong For You

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“Daddy, did you hear that? You gotta make Ruby Red feel better.” She glances back at me after addressing her father. “He’s like a doctor for cars.”

Accepting a favor from him, no matter how small, is a slippery slope. “Maybe you can just take a quick peek. I mean, if it’s not too much trouble…”

“Glad that’s settled.” Jake mutters something else under his breath.

I’m about to ask when he whips around—not bothering to check for nonexistent traffic—and pulls over behind my car. The crunch of gravel beneath his boots drums in my ears as a warning. Bad news dressed as doom is approaching—for me or Ruby Red. Maybe both.

He strides past me and gets straight down to business. “Can you pop the latch?”

“Yeah, sure.” But I’m too quick to agree. My pathetic inadequacies have me fumbling under the steering wheel. Lucky for me, the button is clearly labeled.

He’s already got the hood up when I straighten and meet him at the front bumper. While stretching forward to fiddle with a knob, his shirt lifts to expose the ultimate distraction. I might whimper at the toned abs that slight motion puts on display. My mouth definitely waters.

Damn this attraction. I rip my gaze off Jake’s chiseled stomach, only to fall victim to his bared forearms. The tattoos ripple with each precise shift. Watching this man in his element is a detrimental aphrodisiac. Despite our unfortunate circumstances, I feel the stirring of arousal tingle in my lower belly.

My mind reels as I try to fight temptation. Jake probably ditched his jacket on purpose. It might be warm by Minnesota standards, but short sleeves are a bold move.

I wave a hand to chase off the fumes. “What’s the verdict?”

He abandons his inspection to stand upright to face me. “Tough to say.”

My spirits sink. “Is it bad?”

He barely spares the engine a second glance. “Most likely.”

“How can you tell?”

He crosses his arms, challenge thrumming from his wide stance. “Do I come into the studio or bar and tell you how to do your job?”

“Um, kinda?”

“That was before. This is a new version of me. I won’t serve you any bullshit.” It would be easier to believe if he kept a straight face. “Besides, this is what I do.”

“This is just unreal. My Camry is very dependable. I don’t understand what happened.”

Jake shrugs his broad shoulders. “Things break. That’s what keeps me in business.”

I gnaw on my bottom lip while untangling the limited options. As recently revealed, tow trucks are a scarce commodity in these parts. But relying on Jake is a rare risk. “Could you take it to the dealership for me?”

“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just suggest that.” A joint leaps in his clenched jaw.

Shock lowers mine to hang slack. “That’s where I get the maintenance done.”

“Until now. They’ve clearly failed you, and you’re insulting me.” Yet he exudes nothing but confidence.

“I didn’t realize your ego is so sensitive.”

“You can stroke it later to make up for this offense. Don’t deny me this simple pleasure, Pitch.”

A soft breeze cools the sting on my cheeks. “Are we still talking about my ruined motor?”

“Only if you are,” Jake rasps.

My gaze implores his, seeking the emotions he can’t keep hidden there. I haven’t agreed to anything when it comes to him. Sydney is simple and effortless. Jake is the one to make our situation complicated, which is ironic since he originally claimed that honor as mine.

“You’re willing to do the repairs?”

“I’m the only one who can.” His insistence is almost charming.
