Page 69 of Wrong For You

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“And why’s that?”

He tucks my uplifted chin between two bent knuckles, then traces my bottom lip with his thumb. “It’s my job.”

“Does that make you my hero?” I flutter my lashes at him.

His mulish snort disagrees. “I think we both know I have a long ways to go before earning that title.”

“But you’re trying.” It’s not a question.

“Get in the truck.” He nods toward his Ford that’s idling in welcome.

Arguing seems futile, not to mention foolish. “And then what?”

“Syd and I will take you to dinner while Penn tows your car to the shop. I already texted him.”

“How can I refuse an offer like that?”

“Real simple.” Jake allows a dashing smirk to slip beyond his mask. “You don’t.”

Harper taps her fingers on the polished table while surveying our surroundings. “Are we cheating on Roosters? It feels a bit unfaithful.”

I glance over my shoulder to follow her scandalous perusal. It’s been a while since I’ve stepped foot inside Bent Pedal. As the only other decent place to eat in Knox Creek, it couldn’t be more different from the rowdy cock den down the street. This sleek establishment caters to a more upscale crowd with its fancy cocktail menu, food items I can’t pronounce, and repurposed whiskey barrels that just look expensive. But variety keeps the good folks satisfied and loyal.

“There’s nothing wrong with spreading our patronage. We’re still supporting our town and community.” I hitch a thumb at the black and white photographs hanging on the wall behind me. The collection captures our local traditions and festivities.

Harper rests her chin on a closed fist, leaning forward to scrutinize me. “That sounds like an excuse to absolve your guilt.”

My scoff is richer than the overpriced booze stocked in this bar. “I’m not guilty.”

Harper wrinkles her nose as if my response reeks. “You sure about that?”

“Still mad at me, huh?”

Her shoulder lifts in a lopsided confirmation. “It’s hard for me to trust you.”

Air whistles between my teeth. “I should’ve known taking you to a fancy restaurant would raise suspicion.”

She tries to frown, but a smile cracks the droopy edges. “You’re such a shit.”

“It’s one of my most reliable attributes. Twice a day without fail.”

“Gross,” she giggles.

The pitchy melody heats my blood. “Ah, there’s my girl. You can’t ignore a solid poop joke. It’s too gassy to resist.”

Her laugh grows louder. “Stop being funny. You’re too irresistible as it is.”

“Is that so?” I recline in my seat, ready to take a load off. “And here I thought this would be difficult.”

“Don’t let it go to your big head.”

“Hey.” My tone loses every ounce of humor. I steal a liberty and thread my fingers through hers, tugging until our hands are clasped. “I fucked up once and it cost me years of anguish. Hell, I’m still suffering. Please believe me when I say that I’ll never take your kindness for granted again. You’re it for me, Pitchy. I’m gonna prove it.”

Harper stares at me while holding her breath, like any small movement will ruin the moment. Then her gaze drops to where my palm engulfs hers in a protective hold. “Okay.”

I lift our linked fingers and press a gentle kiss to her inner wrist. “I’ll be so good to you, baby. Just give me a chance.”

Her breath hitches as she watches me inhale her scent. “Why now?”
