Page 74 of Wrong For You

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“I sure did. Excellent routine. Bravo!” I give them the applause they deserve.

She bows. “Thank you, thank you.”

“We can’t take too much credit. Our teacher is the best,” Jake boasts while sporting a broad grin.

The compliment paired with a smile from him nearly topples me sideways. “Slow down, JJ. I can’t handle the sudden influx of sweetness from you.”

His temporary glee tightens into a scowl. The loss earns him a pout from me. “Who’s JJ?”

I use a hand to block my mouth from innocent eyes, yet my stage whisper will be purposely audible. “Jerky Jacob.”

Syd giggles. “It’s ‘cause you’re grouchy.”

“She gets it.” I jab a thumb at my fellow instigator. “But maybe you’re due for an upgrade. How about Jolly Jacob?”

The frown that remains firmly planted on his filthy mouth is an answer in itself.

Then his adorable little girl cackles loud enough to shake the front windows. “No way! That’s toooooo cutesy tootsie for my daddy.”

Jake grunts. “Boop is right. I’m not at that level yet.”

“Yet? Someone is being optimistic for a change.”

“I’m here, aren’t I?” He spreads his arms wide. “Better get used to it, Pitch.”

That’s when it dawns on me that these two are lingering far past expectations. My head tilts at the optimal angle to study his motives. “Why haven’t you left yet?”

“Didn’t want anyone to break in while you spent twenty extra minutes doing who knows what back there.” He points to the hallway that leads to the studio spaces.

“Ginger has it handled.” I turn to address my friend, only to find the chair behind the desk is empty. “Where’d she go?”

“You’re just noticing she’s gone?”

I press my lips into a terse line. “Excuse me for being distracted by your sneak preview.”

“We’re super good,” Syd agrees.

“You’ve been practicing a lot, huh?”

“Yep. Daddy dances with me whenever I ask.” She cups her palms around her mouth to imitate the whisper-shout like I did earlier. “I ask like a bazillion times a day.”

The man just shrugs, further whittling down my restraint to a toothpick. “We want to win.”

I blink at him. “It isn’t a contest. There’s no prize.”

“Your heart,” Jake amends. “And bragging rights.”

The traitorous organ that he wants to claim lurches in my chest, desperate to land in his clutches. I slap a palm over the inflicted area to keep myself in one piece. “Okay, we’re getting sidetracked. What happened to Ginger?”

“She left early.”

A huff buzzes my lips. “Yes, I can see that. But why?”

“I told her we’d hold down the fort.” He swings an arched gesture from Sydney to himself.

“Ginger was my ride,” I mumble.

Smug satisfaction brightens his expression. “Guess you’re stuck with us.”
