Page 75 of Wrong For You

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Syd rushes forward to grab my hands in hers, shaking with wild enthusiasm. “We should have a slumber party!”


“Pleeeeeeease,” she begs.

An ice cube over an open flame stands a better chance of survival than I do against this captivating duo. Once I agree to spend the night, there’s a high probability I’ll stay indefinitely. The potential of such a major move requires more consideration. “Are you allowed to have sleepovers on weekdays? You have school tomorrow.”

She releases me to seek permission from her dad. He nods at her, as if they reach a silent agreement. “We can make an exception, but no pressure. I insist on taking you home, though.”

Not like I have much choice. “How’s my car doing?”

“Still broken.”

I suppose that’s fair. It’s only been two days, but I’m grasping at straws. “Any idea when it will be fixed?”

“Not until the parts arrive,” Jake explains.

“And when might that be?”

“Still don’t trust me?”

“It’s not that…” At least not entirely.

“Your lack of faith wounds me, Pitch.” The tease in his tone suggests otherwise.

I’m about to throw in the towel when a convenient interruption tries to unlock the door. Joy is standing outside, fogging up the glass. She waves her keys frantically while trying to juggle a wide-awake Baby Belle. The newborn is along for the bumpy ride, pleased as poop to be snuggled in her detached car seat. Maybe her diaper blowout is finally manifesting itself. My legs are in motion before I can fully comprehend what her unexpected visit means.

“Hey, bestie!” I greet once the door is unlocked.

Joy shoves her way inside, nearly clobbering me with Belle’s carrier. She’s across the room and dropping onto the couch within moments. “Why are you still here?”

The situation might be more serious than I put into the universe. I join her on the sofa, blowing kisses at Belle perched on the middle cushion between us. “Hello to you too.”

“Sorry. Hi,” she relents. Her frazzled gaze swings to Jake and Sydney. “Am I intruding?”

“Yes.” He doesn’t hesitate or beat around the bush. Go figure.

I shoot a glare in his direction a few paces away. Then my focus returns to my friend. Upon further inspection, she looks two seconds away from succumbing to a deep slumber. “What’s wrong?”

Her sigh suggests the list is long. “Nothing. Belle won’t sleep for more than five minutes. I thought a drive might soothe her. When I saw the studio lights on, I figured we could stop in and see whoever’s burning the midnight oil.”

“Worried we’re having fun without you?” My smile is lopsided as I gesture at our mellow gathering.

“Yeah, pretty much. I miss adulting and being social.”

“You’ve only been mommying for two weeks.” As if I have any concept of the impact.

She tugs at her crooked ponytail. “It takes a toll real quick.”

“I second that.” Jake snorts while moving to stand behind me.

If I recline the slightest bit, my head will brush his crotch. I get the sense that’s intentional. “You’re tarnishing my assumption that motherhood is constant bliss and merriment.”

Joy hums thoughtfully. “Consider me a bubble burster. Cole and I are one sleepless night away from using clothespins to keep our eyeballs open.”

When I offer my finger, Belle latches on like we’re already best friends. Instinct has me leaning forward to nuzzle her soft cheek. “Do you need help? I can watch her whenever I’m not working if you need more rest.”

Most of my experience is with children who talk and use the potty, but diapers can’t be that difficult to master. A few test trials with Belle might come in handy for the future.
