Page 114 of Yours to Catch

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“I would’ve said yes to any of the above.”

My thumb traces the pure delight shining on her features. “You had me from the start. One glance and I was yours.”

Her smile steals the oxygen from my lungs. “Took you long enough to admit it.”

“What can I say? Somehow, I knew you’d appreciate the chase.”

“I’ve also grown quite fond of the catch,” Grace exhales against my lips.

“Damn straight, soulmate. I’ve always been yours to catch.”

That’s technically the end, but I do have a little extra something for you. If you’d like more from Garrett and Grace, grab the bonus scenes here!

Jake and Harper have their own story inWrong for You, which is available now. Here’s the prologue to get you in the mood for this grumpy single dad, second chance romance.

Gossip in a small town should be ignored more often than not. I learned that lesson after my fifth-grade teacher almost quit her job based solely on spiteful hearsay. That doesn’t stop the rumor I heard earlier from playing on repeat.

I whirl on my heel and pace to the tall oak that marks the hiking trail’s entrance. Dust kicks up from my frantic stride as I turn to retrace my path for the ninth time. My skin is slick and balmy, which has little to do with the nerves eating at me. The July heat hasn’t relented even as dusk casts shadows across the woods.

A twig snaps to my left and I pivot to see Jacob Evans—the one I’ve been waiting for in more ways than one. I rush forward to fling myself at him. Fresh pine blended with lingering traces of motor oil and fraying patience welcomes me.

My arms struggle to encircle his torso as I soak in his sturdy warmth. Jake is already broad and muscular, far larger than the boys I just graduated with. His steady pulse drums beneath my ear and soothes me. I breathe him in again while trying to silence the doubt pestering me. Everything is going to be okay.

“You came.” Stark relief raises my voice to an embarrassing pitch.

“Said I would.” Meanwhile, his tone is flat and stiff.

The brittle response sets off an alarm in my brain. Denial and desperation have me clinging tighter to him. It’s only then I realize he isn’t returning my embrace. Toned arms that rarely hesitate to haul me in stay glued to his sides.

I step back from the false comfort of his presence to do a quick assessment. Only three years separate us, but Jake appears older than twenty-one right now. There’s an underlying tension thrumming from him. His rigid posture matches the stony expression avoiding my gaze. The dark features I could trace from memory are purposely guarded.

Only his eyes reveal emotion. A barely contained storm swirls in those blue depths. Jake must feel my imploring scrutiny and bites off a curse from his clenched jaw.

“Please tell me it’s not true.” I lift trembling fingers to my lips.

He averts his stare further from mine. “Afraid I can’t do that.”

Fire blasts under my skin as understanding dawns. I lunge at him, bunching his shirt in my fist. “You cheated on me?”

No wonder he was willing to wait until I was ready to lose my virginity. The good guy act was just for show. He’s really an asshole in disguise, getting action elsewhere.

“Didn’t fucking cheat.” The icy retort might as well be frozen shards stabbing at my flesh.

I scoff to hide the pain. “How else do you explain getting Morgan pregnant when you’re dating me?”

Jake pins me with a glare, but his face remains an impassive mask otherwise. “It happened before we started seeing each other.”

“And she just found out about the baby?” Disbelief drips from my snarky reply.

“Guess so,” he drawls.

“That would make her four or five months along. She should’ve noticed her missing period much sooner.”

He shrugs. The motion is jerky, much like the rest of him. “Don’t ask me.”

My fingers clench the fabric still in my hold. “Are you sure the baby is yours?”

“I’ll get the test done, but there’s no reason for me to assume she’s lying.”
