Page 51 of The Curse Defiers

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Allison watched me intently for several seconds. “You’re not what I expected.”

“I hear that a lot.” Although it was usually from gods and spirits.

She shook off her musings. “You’re correct. If King Arthur were real, historians would place him between the fifth and seventh century. The Sword of Galahad is mentioned in relation to King Richard the Lionheart and the Third Crusade. That would have been 1189-1192, making it highly doubtful it could be the same sword, even if Galahadwerereal. Most historians think the sword was created specifically for King Richard and only modeled after a sword they attributed to Galahad. Still, the styling of swords had evolved—not surprisingly—over several hundred years. An Arthurian sword would have had a wider, bulkier blade, while one from the twelfth century would have been more tapered and lighter in weight.” She moved to another case, staring at the jewel-encrusted handle of a small knife. “But calling it the Sword of Galahad makes sense symbolically. Galahad was entrusted with the job of finding the Holy Grail. King Richard was on a holy mission too. People weren’t happy when Richard raided the treasury to support his quest. Saying he carried the Sword of Galahad into battle would have elevated him in people’s eyes.”

“Did you see it?” I asked. “Do you think it was the sword King Richard attributed to Galahad?”

“Now that is the question, isn’t it?” A sly grin spread across her face. “I showed up in Charlotte and was met by an older woman. She told me her name was Miriam and she was with a very old organization called the Guardians. When I asked her what they were guarding, she laughed and told me I wouldn’t understand. Then she took me into a back room. They had enough antique weapons there to fill a museum and then some, along with a collection of pocket watches.”

“No other jewelry?”

Allison looked surprised by my question. “No.”

I involuntarily fingered the ring on my right hand, but Allison’s gaze followed my movement. “They wanted you to authenticate the Sword of Galahad?” I asked to divert her attention.

“Yes, but they had other swords and knives as well. Miriam gave me a few moments to examine several of them. I asked to take photos, but they only allowed me to take one picture of the sword in question. After I told them there was no way I could verify on the spot whether it was authentic or not, they relented and allowed me to take one more. Photos aren’t enough, but they’re a start. I’m supposed to go back on Monday with some conclusions.”

“So what’s your gut reaction? Is it the Sword of Galahad?”

She stared at me for a few moments, her friendliness fading. “I don’t have to help you, you know. I don’t have to tell you a damn thing.”

“I know,” I said quietly. “Whyareyou telling me?”

Her eyes burned with intensity. “Because I have a feeling you’re putting David in some kind of danger.”


She moved closer and grabbed my arm. “These people—the Guardians—I get the impression they don’t like it when people get into their business. But that’s exactly what David’s doing, isn’t it? Tell me I’m wrong.”

I didn’t answer. She was right.

“I also have a feeling you’re a huge part of this thing; otherwise why would you be hanging on my every word? Call it woman’s intuition, but David is doing this to help you.”

Again, I didn’t contradict her.

Her face softened and her eyes turned glassy. “So I’m begging you, Ellie. I’ll tell you everything you want to know, but leave David out of this.”

I shook my head, “Allison…I…”

“Ellie?” David stood in the doorway to the living room. “Is everything okay?”

My head spun around to face him. “Yeah. Fine.”

Allison put her hands on her hips. “I was just showing Ellie my collection. Who knew she’d be so fascinated with dangerous things?”

David hesitated before responding. “The steaks are ready.”

“Then let’s eat.” She brushed past us, but before she stepped into the kitchen, she turned to look at me. “Ellie, think about what I said.”

I walked over and pulled David into a hug. “What did she say?” he whispered in my ear.

“More than I expected.” I glanced up into his worried face. “You were on the right track. The Guardians are behind this. They have large collection of antique weapons and pocket watches, which I highly suspect is part of the Ricardo Estate. Allison went to look at a sword that is rumored to have belonged to King Richard the Lionheart, not just some random knight in the Crusades. It’s also known as the Sword of Galahad.” I filled him in on everything she’d said about the sword and its rumored history.

“Did she tell you about what she originally wanted to show me?”

“No, but she confirmed she has several photos of the sword. She didn’t show them to me, and I suspect she’s holding them for ransom.”

“What’s the reward?”
