Page 52 of The Curse Defiers

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“You. She’s figured out that I’m the one who needs the information. She’s worried for your safety, so she hopes that if she tells me what I want to know, I’ll leave you out of this mess.”

Anger darkened his eyes. “That’s bollocks!”

“She cares about you. She’s trying to protect you. I’m not sure I wouldn’t do the same thing if our roles were reversed.”

His gaze softened. “Ellie.”

Voices filled the kitchen and irritation pinched David’s mouth. “We’ll talk about this later. And I’ll set her straight.”

“Don’t be angry with her. Please.”

He gave me a gentle kiss. “You’re an amazing woman, Ellie Lancaster.”

I wish I were as amazing as he thought I was.

“We’ll ask her about it after everyone else leaves.”

I released a sigh. “I think she’s told me everything she plans on sharing unless I agree to give you up, and I refuse to lie. You’ll probably get more out of her if I’m not with you.”

He scowled. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Ellie.”

“David, I know that you love me. I trust you.”

He looked torn.

“You trust me when I see Collin.” Guilt stabbed me through the gut. I had every reason to trust David, while he had every reasonnotto trust me.

“That’s different. He’s the other Keeper. You’re tied to him whether you like it or not.”

“If we want more information—and we definitely do—you need to see her on your own. After dinner. I’ll go back to your place and come back to pick you up later.”

He grumbled his acceptance and we went off to join the others. Several of David’s friends teased him about going off into the other room with me, but he laughed it off good-naturedly. We filled plates of food from the buffet on the kitchen island and then headed outside to eat. I listened in rapt attention as David’s friends told me story after story about him. He had some wonderful friends, and it was obvious that they both liked and respected him. Even Allison seemed to loosen up after a while.

When the sun went down, David offered to start a fire in the fire pit. To my surprise, I felt slightly awkward that he felt so comfortable here at Allison’s house. But of course he would if he’d created this backyard oasis. Maybe when we moved closer to the ocean and found a place that was ours, David could grill and look as relaxed as he did here. But part of me knew that would never happen. As long as he was with me and demons roamed the earth, David would always be on guard. The thought made me sad.

Trina came and sat next to me while Allison helped David search for a lighter.

“You’re a better person than me.”

“What?” I asked in surprise. “Why do you say that?”

“Allison is determined to win him back. She always assumed their breakup was temporary. She thought David just got cold feet and would come back to her in good time. Then he went to Manteo and met you. I can tell you one thing—he never looked at her the way he looks at you. And she doesn’t like it.”

Trina must have read the surprise on my face. “You seem like a sweet girl,” she said. “I just wanted to warn you.”

I met her gaze. “Thank you. I appreciate it, but I trust David.”

“I’m sure you do. I just wouldn’t trust Allison.” She got up and returned to her friends.

David got the fire started and came back and sat next to me, draping his arm around my shoulder.

The sun had set, and I cast a glance up at the stars. The darkness always made me nervous now. And as our midnight visitor from the previous night had proven, we weren’t too far from Manteo for the Croatan gods to find us.

Allison sat across from us, her eyes glued on David for the next half hour. Dark clouds began to roll in after a little while, and the rest of David’s friends decided to call it a night.

David stayed back and said goodbye to everyone, promising to come back soon to see them. Once they were gone, David walked me to the front door while Allison started cleaning up the kitchen.

“I’ll wait at your place for an hour, and then I’ll come back and get you. Do you think that’s enough time?”

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