Page 55 of The Curse Defiers

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He crossed his arms, a stubborn frown settling on his face. “Now that you know I’m here, I’m through with hiding.”

“So you’re here because I’m the salvation of the world?” I repeated.

He nodded.

I moved over to the porch and sat down. “Three nights ago, I met an old woman on the road home and she told me my future. What was she?”

He shrugged and walked over to stand beside me. “An elderly woman?”

“Very funny. Her eyes glowed red. She was definitely a spirit of some kind.”

“She was a Raven Mocker. But you already know that.”

A chill ran down my back. “Why would she come see me?”

“Kalona has his own plan for you, and it is different from what Okeus wants. But Kalona fears facing Okeus and Ahone until he is stronger. He has entrusted his children to another’s guidance until he is ready to face the wind gods. The Great One.”

So Okeus wasn’t the Great One after all. I bet he’d be pissed to hear that. “How do you know?”

“I know many things.” He looked bored. “The gods are all working against each other in an effort to control you and what you know. The spirit world is in chaos. You think you need to face Kalona to stop the Raven Mockers, but you need to find his proxy. The Great One.”

“Who is the Great One and where do I find him?”

“I do not know the answer to that yet.” The way his nose scrunched, it looked like it pained him to admit it. “But Idoknow Kalona’s proxy has the Raven Mockers at work tonight. They are in the process of taking the heart of the woman who hates you.”

“Allison?” I shrieked in shock.

Allison had been sniffling from allergies. Was that serious enough for the Raven Mockers to stalk and kill her?

Oh, shit.

I ran inside and found my phone, discovering I had two missed calls from David.

Grabbing David’s keys, I ran out the front door. After I jumped behind the wheel of the car and started for Allison’s house, I dialed David.

“Ellie,” he answered, his voice breathless. “Something evil is here.”


Terror filled my chest. “A Raven Mocker.”

“Yeah, I think so. How did you know?”

“Something clued me in.” I turned the corner, the tires screeching. If I weren’t more careful, the police would pull me over. For once, I found myself wishing Tom was around. “Can you see them?”

“No, but Allison is lying on the floor screaming, telling something to leave her alone. I don’t know how to help her.” His voice was frantic.

“I’m only a couple of blocks away.” I hung up and drove faster, skidding to a stop in front of her house. Three large black birds circled the roof, releasing loud cries.

The Raven Mockers in their bird form.

I could hear Allison screaming inside the house from the front yard. Terrified, I didn’t stop to knock; I just threw open the front door.

David kneeled in the middle of the living room floor next to Allison, who was lying on the floor, thrashing around in hysterics.

I could see why.

Two old men and two old women were circling the room. Their faces were grotesque, with deep wrinkles and long hooked noses. Their mouths opened in unison to laugh, revealing their pointed fangs. Their shrunken, hunched frames were covered in loose, gray linen fabric. The men wore pants and tunics, and the women wore old-fashioned housedresses.
