Page 56 of The Curse Defiers

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Allison’s body was covered in bloody gashes. Her previously crisply pressed pink shirt was ripped and drenched with blood. The Raven Mockers took turns swiping at her with their long claws. Then they stopped in the same eerie unison and spun around to watch me.

Great. Possessed geriatrics.

David kneeled at her side. He looked up at me, his eyes wide with fear. “I can’t see it. Is it a Raven Mocker?”

“There arefourRaven Mockers inside and three outside.”

“Seven of them?They don’t typically travel in packs.” He shook his head, helplessness filling his eyes. “I haven’t been able to do anything to help her. She just started screaming about ten minutes ago, and she hasn’t stopped.”

“The ones outside are flying around the roof, screaming. Can you hear them?”

“Yes, but legend says all people can see and hear them when they’re in their bird form. Just not when they appear as humans.”

Which is why he couldn’t see Allison’s attackers. I stepped closer as one of the women swiped at her leg, drawing fresh blood.

Allison screamed again.

“Why is she screaming, Ellie?”

“I know you can’t see them, but don’t you see the gashes all over her body?”

“No. I only hear her screaming!” His voice was frantic.

His clothes were covered with splatters of her blood. How could he not see it? “They’re clawing at her!” I shouted, running toward one of them as it reached out to slash her arm. The old woman backed away, smiling.

“Get rid of them!”

“How?” I asked, freaking out. I could see them, but I still felt helpless to stop them.

“They’re supposed to flee if they encounter someone powerful enough to see them.”

“Yeah, well they’re looking at me right now and they don’t seem to be going anywhere.” Panic crawled up my spine and burrowed at the base of my throat, clogging my airway. I had no idea how to handle this. I pinched the ring with my left thumb and middle finger. Even if I decided to use the damn thing, it would be worthless here. According to the letter at the library, I had to be standing next to the gate to use it.

The old men and women had resumed their strange circular dance, but my comment seemed to have renewed their interest in me. They stopped and turned to face me, all four laughing in tandem. I was officially freaked out, particularly since all of them were equipped with vicious claws and razor-sharp teeth. “Welcome, Curse Keeper. We’ve been waiting for you.”

One of the men lunged toward Allison.

I had no desire to throw myself into the path of his claws, but I had to protect her. I dove for her, grabbing a decorative china vase off an end table as I threw myself over her body. I twisted around just in time to smash the vase into his head. His claws narrowly missed sinking into my back as I landed hard on Allison’s bloody legs. Thrown by the sudden pain of her knee jabbing my stomach, I cried out in surprise.

“Ellie!” David cried out in a panic. “What happened?”

“It tried to claw me,” I grunted, scrambling to my knees. I was fair game on the floor.

“That’s impossible. You’re not sick.”

“What happens if they claw you?”

“I don’t know,” he answered. “I’ve never heard of them clawing anyone.”

“Add this to thenot acting in characterlist.” My breath came in quick pants as I climbed to my feet, searching for a weapon, any weapon. Then I shuddered at my stupidity. I was surrounded by them. The wall behind me was filled with swords and knives. The question was if they would work.

I searched out the old man whom I’d attacked with the vase. He’d rejoined the group, which was once again pacing in a large circle, blocking any exit out the front door or window. Thick black blood trickled down the creature’s face, but he looked unfazed otherwise.

“How do I kill these things?”

“Other than the seven-day rule, I don’t know.” His voice was calmer and more reassuring. The fact that he had regained control settled my anxiety. “What about the ring? I know we’re not next to the gate, but it might do something.”

I shook my head. “No! I’m not using the ring.” I glanced at the wall behind me. “Can I hurt them with any of Allison’s swords?”
