Page 19 of One Steamy Night

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Jaxon knew that to be true. The Westmoreland triplets, Clint, Cole and Casey, were licensed pilots. And because of Alaska’s road system, people living there owned more planes than cars. All six of the Outlaws owned planes. In fact, Garth, the oldest Outlaw son, was married to Regan, their company’s pilot.

It seemed Nadia was in a good mood and he intended to take full advantage of her joviality. “Ready to go aboard?”


Now he was glad for all the special arrangements he had made. He had gone out of his way to impress her tonight. Getting out of the car, he came around on her side to open the door. This time he tried not to be so obvious when he glanced down at her legs. Taking her hand, he walked over to the plane, where his pilot and flight host were waiting. Introductions were made before he escorted her up the steps.

“My parents always had the company jet, and I had a Cessna since I rarely did international travel. But now that I’m in charge, I decided to get a jet that fit my needs. I’ve only had this one for six months,” he told her when he saw her glancing around curiously.

“This is nice,” Nadia said. “The only other time I’ve been on a corporate jet was during one of Charm’s bridal showers. It was given to her in flight by Regan. We had so much fun during the three-hour flight. We never did land. The entire shower was held while we were in the sky.”

“Who was the pilot that night?” he asked as he escorted her over to the seats. He would give her a tour of the jet later.

“A girlfriend of Regan’s. Garth had volunteered but he was told no husbands or significant others were allowed on that trip. I’m glad. Things got pretty wild.”

“Were there half-naked men on board?”

She threw up her head and laugh. “I’ll never tell. Don’t you know what goes on at the bridal shower stays at the bridal shower? I’m sure men have the same rule for the bachelor party.”

“I guess they do.” He was tempted to say not only was that the rule for a bachelor party but that had been the case for that poker tournament a couple of months ago as well.

Nadia sat in the seat facing him and they both followed instructions when the pilot told them to buckle up. She was deliberately looking everywhere else but at him. That was fine since he had no intentions of looking anywhere else other than at her.

“You have big plans for the weekend?” he asked, not just for conversational purposes but as a way to get her to glance over at him. She did so and when their gazes met, he felt it. He had a feeling she did, too. The attraction was stronger than ever. He was beginning to think that the more they were alone the more the sexual chemistry increased between them.

She looked over at him at the exact moment the plane began moving down the runway. “Not big plans. Normal chores that need to be done. What about you?”

“I’m flying home tomorrow. My parents like to see their only child every once and a while.”

She nodded. “You’re close to them?”


“I heard they were nice.”

He could tell by her expression that she regretted saying that because it meant his name had come up in a discussion she’d had with someone. Before he could ask who had told her that, she cleaned up her comment by adding, “I believe Paige mentioned she met them at one of Jess’s fundraising dinners.”

“She did. My parents are big on making financial contributions to their favorite political candidates. Now that they consider Jess, as well as Reggie Westmoreland, as family, they wanted to attend and do their part.”

“That was kind of them.”

“I have kind parents.” He truly meant that. As long as he could remember they’d always been there for him, encouraging him to be his own man. The only thing they’d demanded of him was to always have respect for others, especially women. Now was not the time to tell her that he’d told his parents about her, and they were looking forward to meeting her.

When the plane had leveled off in the sky and the pilot indicated it was okay to move around, he unbuckled his seat belt and stood. By the time he had walked over to her, she had unbuckled her own and was standing as well. “You’re ready to show me around?” she asked excitedly.

In all honesty, he wanted to do a lot more than that. Taking her hand, he said, “Yes, I am ready to show you around before dinner is served.”


Nadia was impressed by everything she saw on Jaxon’s private jet. From the thick rich carpeting to the smooth leather seats in his sitting room. However, what touched her most was the table set for dinner. It was just as impressive as any table in a five-star restaurant.

He introduced her to the chef, who was also on the flight. The food had tasted wonderful and she’d wasted no time letting the chef know. Dessert was banana pudding cake. Evidently Jaxon had inquired about her favorite dessert the way she’d done for him.

“I can’t eat a thing more,” she said, pushing back from the table. “Your cook outdid himself with dinner and so did you.”

He chuckled. “I didn’t cook.”

“No, but you arranged all of this,” she said, using her hand to encompass the dining table. “A beautifully set table, great food, champagne and a delicious dessert, all the time while flying high in the sky. Things can’t get any better than this.”
