Page 20 of One Steamy Night

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In all honestly, that’s what bothered her. She hadn’t wanted to be impressed by anything he’d done tonight. She had decided tonight would be her chance to use any means possible to make him think twice about pursing any type of relationship with her. But whenever he gave her a warm smile, like he was doing now, she couldn’t stop the desire flowing through her. Desire she knew he not only felt but reciprocated.

Why was the sexual chemistry stronger between them tonight than it had been at dinner last week? She figured that kiss had a lot to do with it. The same kiss she couldn’t get off her mind. The kiss that had her licking her lips every morning and night, and a few times in between, to see if his taste was still there.

“Do you want to go in the sitting room to look out at the stars?”

She hesitated a minute before she said, “Yes, I’d love to.”

“I think you’ll love the view,” he said, grabbing the bottle of wine off the table.

“I’m sure I will.”

The sitting room had a beautiful leather sofa that faced a huge window. It was a beautiful night and the sky was clear and the stars appeared to be everywhere. They’d been in the air a couple of hours now and every so often the pilot would announce what state they were flying over. They were now in Idaho and would do a zig-zag across Montana before returning to Wyoming.

“Too bad Dylan is away on a concert tour and Charm is with him. Otherwise we could have dropped in to say hello,” he said.

“That would have been nice,” she said, easing down on the sofa. Charm owned her own Cessna and Dylan’s ranch in Idaho had an airstrip. The flight distance between their ranch and Gamble was less than an hour. Charm would often fly into the Gamble airport, pick up Nadia and two of them would fly to Westmoreland Country.

Charm’s husband, Dylan, was an award-winning singer and guitarist. He’d won another award earlier that year and had called Charm on stage while making his acceptance speech to introduce her to all his fans.

Nadia settled down on the sofa and was surprised when Jaxon came to sit beside her. She thought he would take the single chair across from her and quickly scooted over to make room.

“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?” he said, refilling their wineglasses.

“Yes, and you were right, I love the view.”

“So do I.”

She noticed he wasn’t looking out the window but his gaze was on her. Was he flirting with her? The last thing she wanted was to send out an erroneous message that she was in any way entertaining the thought of what he claimed the other night. Namely, that he intended to marry her. Rissa thought she should at least be flattered, but she wasn’t.

“So what do you see when you glance out the window?” she asked him.

He looked out the window and then back at her. “I see an array of beautiful stars dotting a dark sky and a quarter moon peeking out at them. Now ask me what I see when I look at you.”

She wasn’t sure she wanted to know as she felt the heat flowing between them. However, drawing in a deep breath, she asked, “So, what do you see?”

“A woman I want to dance with.”

She lifted a brow. “Dance?”

“Yes. So will you dance with me?”

“Without music?”

“What makes you think that?”

She was about to say because no music was playing when he reached for the remote on the table. With a press of his finger, music came through speakers. Of course it would be a slow tune.

Standing, he reached out his hand to her. “Please dance with me, Nadia. I need to hold you in my arms.”

She could make a comeback that she didn’t need to hold him in hers, but the thought of having her body pressed to his while his arms were wrapped around her was too tempting to deny.

Placing her hand in his, he eased her to her feet and when he gently pulled her into his arms, she didn’t hesitate. The moment her body pressed against his, it seemed everything woman inside of her went into overdrive. Instinctively she rested her head on his chest and inhaled his manly fragrance.

This was not supposed to be happening. She had done her research, had looked up the top twenty ways to scare a man away. Yet she hadn’t tried any of the suggestions tonight. She had been too impressed with sharing dinner with him thirty thousand feet off the ground to concentrate on anything other than him.

She needed to take a big pause and catch her breath. But not now. Not even tonight. Jaxon was in control, and she didn’t want to fight against this. His looks, his aroma, his personality and the way he made her feel...

No matter what, she had to get a grip on reality. The last thing she wanted to do was encourage him in his nonsense that he would marry her one day.
