Page 21 of One Steamy Night

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“I love dancing with you, Nadia.”

His low, husky and sexy voice sent her heart pounding. “Do you?”

“Can’t you tell?”

If he was hinting at the fact that dancing with her had aroused him, then yes, she could tell. She wondered if he could tell she was just as aroused. Her breasts, as they pressed against his chest, felt sensitive. Could he tell her nipples had hardened? Were poking into him?

“Are you okay, sweetheart?”

She wondered why he used that term of endearment. She wasn’t his sweetheart. And why had he even asked her that? Had she moaned and hadn’t realized she had done so? Was he feeling the intense heat leaving her body and going to his? She lifted her head off his chest to look at him and wished she hadn’t. The dark eyes staring down at her caused flutters in her stomach. “I’m fine, Jaxon, why do you ask?”

“No reason.”

There had to have been a reason, but she knew better than to push the issue. She was smart enough to know when and how to operate on the side of caution. Tonight, she would ignore any endearments or sexual innuendos. Deliberate or otherwise.

The music stopped and then another tune began playing. She was going to suggest they sit this one out, cool things off a minute, but when he pulled her closer Nadia decided not to say anything at all. She liked the feel of the warm hard body pressed close to hers, the even breathing near her ear and the way he gently rubbed strong hands up and down her back. Point blank, more than anything, she wanted to savor the moment.

As if he had the ability to read her thoughts, he whispered, “I love holding you in my arms and will find any excuse to do so.”

“Even by dancing?” She lifted her face from his chest to ask him while looking into his dark eyes.

“Yes, even by dancing. But it’s just the beginning.”

“The beginning of what?”

“Our courtship that will end in marriage.”

Jaxon saw the flare of defiance that leaped into Nadia’s eyes and wondered if she knew how beautiful she looked when she was filled with fire. His gaze then shifted to her mouth. A mouth he was tempted to kiss and devour.

“Why can’t you get it through that thick skull that a marriage between us won’t be happening, Jaxon?”

He shifted his gaze back to her eyes. “Mainly because I believe it will, Nadia.”

She let out a frustrated sigh. “Why are you being so difficult?”

“Why are you?” he countered.

“I am not being difficult ,just realistic. I don’t know how things operate in your world. Maybe the wealthy Ravnels of Virginia are used to doing things this way.”

“What way?”

“Saying what they want and then getting it regardless of people’s feelings, thoughts or pride?”

“That’s not how my family operates, Nadia.”

“Isn’t it?”


“Well, that’s how it seems to me.” She pushed out of his arms and placed her hands on her hips. “What would make you think I’d want to marry a man who doesn’t love me or one who I don’t love? Did it ever occur to you that I might want a marriage where I know my husband loved me, and I wouldn’t have to worry about...”

He frowned. “About what?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Jaxon thought it did. The Westmorelands claimed that as far as they knew, Nadia had dated on occasion but had never been in a serious or exclusive relationship. Now he wondered if there had been someone they hadn’t known about. Some man who had broken her heart?

“I think it does matter,” he said.
