Page 30 of One Steamy Night

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“Yes, I’m going. I wouldn’t think of missing it.”

She turned to look out the window again, at the objects they passed. Now they were on a two-lane road with very little traffic. The television station was in Valley Bluff, a small town between here and Jackson Hole.

Nadia thought about her conversation with Rissa yesterday. Needless to say, her best friend had given her an earful. According to Rissa, if a woman wanted a man and the man wanted her, then no seduction was needed. Just roll with the flow. She suggested that when Jaxon returned Nadia home, she should invite him in. When he kissed her goodbye, she should let him know she enjoyed it. That sort of thing fired up a man’s libido. A deeply aroused man could make you just as aroused as he was.

Nadia recalled how aroused Jaxon had been when dancing with her, and how aroused she’d gotten knowing he wanted her. Even now, while sharing car space with him, she was getting aroused. What on earth was happening to her? It was as if since she’d decided not to hold back where he was concerned, her body was yearning for what was to come. But what if he didn’t want to make the switch from business to pleasure? What if he’d decided she wasn’t worth the trouble and just wanted a platonic relationship between them?

What gave her hope was the strong sexual chemistry still flowing between them. So far they’d managed to keep up a steady stream of conversation, and she was glad of that. She’d taken the time to tell him of the excitement buzzing around town about his company’s plans to expand in Gamble. A lot of people were wondering what type of positions would be available. He’d told her about the job fair his company planned to hold in the spring.

Jaxon also shared that they anticipated it taking a year and a half for the Ravnel Technologies’ state-of-the-art complex to be built. In the meantime, they would be leasing space—namely six floors—in the Lesswick Building in town. She appreciated him sharing that much information with her.

He asked her about the play and mentioned it was his mother’s favorite for the holidays, and his parents looked forward to attending. She was glad to hear that and intended to make sure they got special seats in the front of the auditorium.

“I like Langley,” she said truthfully. They had talked a few times and the woman seemed efficient at her job. But still, Nadia couldn’t help wondering if Jaxon and the woman had ever been involved.

The car had come to a traffic light and he glanced over at her. “She keeps me pretty much on point.”

“Has she been your administrative assistant long?”

“Around four years now. I hired her right out of college.”

“She seems like a nice person and efficient in what she does.”

“She is. That’s the reason I hate losing her.”

Nadia raised her brow.Losing her?“She’s leaving?”

“Yes. Langley is getting married in June to Rick, her college sweetheart. He took a government job in Amsterdam, and she’ll be moving there after the wedding.”

Nadia didn’t say anything for a minute as she inwardly admitted that she’d been jealous of the beautiful young woman, which honestly didn’t make any sense. There was never a time she’d gotten jealous of any woman over a man. Such a thing just wasn’t in her makeup. At least, it never had been before.

“I take it you’ve been interviewed by Ms. Donovan before,” Jaxon said, cutting into her thoughts.

Nadia rolled her eyes. “Not hardly.” At the strange look he gave her she decided to explain. “AlthoughGood Morning Wyomingstarted off as a one-hour show to keep the viewers abreast of the things going on in the four communities it serves, a couple of years ago the producers switched gears.”

“Switched gears how?”

“They switched their focus to celebrities who visited the area to ski and hang out in and around Jackson Hole. Would you believe Ms. Donovan turned me down each and every time I called to ask for time on her show?”

“That’s a missed opportunity for her,” Jaxon said, shaking his head as he moved the car forward when the traffic light changed. “I hear you’re doing great things at the academy.”

She figured Pam told him that but decided to ask him anyway. “You heard that from who?”

“The mayor and some others.”

That made her feel good. “I’m convinced the only reason I got an invite to the show was because of you.”


“Yes. It would make more sense to show what your company is doing to help the community by hearing from the first recipient of your company’s kindness.”

He didn’t say anything, and she figured he’d agreed with what she’d stated. “We’re here,” he said. When Jaxon brought the car to a stop he glanced at his watch. “We’re almost an hour early.”

She nodded. “It’s better to be early than late.” Then after a moment she said, “I want to thank you, Jaxon.”

“No problem since I was coming this way.”

“No, I want to thank you for everything. For replacing the Dunnings Financial Group as the play’s sponsor. Although the students had faith in me to find a replacement. Unfortunately, they were wrong.”
