Page 31 of One Steamy Night

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Nadia watched as he eased the car seat back to give himself more room to stretch out his legs. “No, they weren’t wrong. You got a replacement.”

She shook her head. “No, I didn’t. Miraculously, you came to me.”

He shrugged. “Does it matter?”

Yes, it mattered to her that this tall, ultrahandsome, broad-shouldered, sexy-as all-outdoors man helped her save face with not only the students but everyone involved in the play, including the community, which looked forward to seeing the performance every year. It was a time when the residents came together to support a good cause.

“It does to me.”

He nodded. “Then I’m glad my company could help.”

She didn’t say anything. He hadn’t said he was glad that he could help but thathis companycould help. Was that his way of reminding her that she’d made it pretty clear she didn’t want any type of relationship between them? She’d made a shambles of things with Jaxon, and she knew it was up to her to undo the mess she’d made.

Sue Ellen Donovan was smiling into the camera. “Today our guests on the show are Jaxon Ravnel, CEO of Ravnel Technologies, along with Miss Nadia Novak, the VP of Development and Community Civic Engagement for the Dream Makers Acting Academy in Gamble.”

Jaxon watched the camera switch from Ms. Donovan to zero in on him before shifting to Nadia. He saw how strikingly beautiful she was on camera. As far as he was concerned Sue Ellen Donovan’s introduction of him took way too long. By the time it was finished everyone knew more about his family and their wealth than they needed to. She also harped on the fact he was single and a prime catch. He thought the statement was inappropriate and was tempted to say he was officially off the market because the woman he wanted to marry was sitting on stage beside him.

“Thank you two for coming and sharing information with our viewing audience,” Sue Ellen Donovan said, reclaiming his attention. “First, I want to begin with you, Mr. Ravnel. I’m aware of your company’s decision to expand in Texas as well as Wyoming. What made you choose Gamble?”

Of course he’d been expecting that question and provided the same answer he’d given others who’d asked. After instituting a plan for growth, it became a business decision to expand in other states. Mainly as a way to improve and further develop products and services.

Sue Ellen Donovan continued to ask questions so that his responses could fully explain the benefits in communities when big businesses made such a move.

She then turned her attention to Nadia. However, she only asked one question before moving her attention back to him. Then the woman’s questions began centering on his private life, which annoyed the hell out of Jaxon. It became obvious that she was turning this into some sort of celebrity interview.

He saw the disappointment in Nadia’s eyes. After he finished answering the last question Sue Ellen had asked, and she was about to ask him another, a rebellious Nadia spoke up and said, “I think it would be wonderful to tell the audience about the play the academy is producing.”

Before the woman could say whether it would be wonderful or not, Jaxon agreed. “I think that is a great idea, Ms. Novak. After all, the purpose of this interview was to highlight what my company will be doing in the community and not focus on my personal life.” He then turned to Sue Ellen Donovan. “Isn’t that right?”

A chagrined expression appeared on the woman’s face. “Yes, of course.”

Nadia began speaking and Jaxon took in the richness of her voice as she explained things in a way that would get viewers excited about the event. She went into detail about how an acclaimed director from Hollywood had volunteered to direct the show. From Sue Ellen Donovan’s expression it was obvious she hadn’t known that.

He chimed in on occasion and told everyone how excited his company was to partner with the school as sponsor, and he shared the names of other charities his company was looking into sponsoring in the near future. At the end he mentioned his company would be setting up a job fair because he wanted to hire as many qualified individuals in the area as possible, in addition to relocating some of his own people.

Sue Ellen opened the network call lines and some of the viewers had questions about Jaxon’s company, as well as the school’s play. Some callers even made comments that it was great hearing about something else other than movie stars and they hoped the television station did more such shows. Jaxon hoped the producers took that under consideration.

At the end of the show the production assistant rushed on stage to remove the mics off their clothes. That’s when Sue Ellen invited Jaxon to lunch. It didn’t go past him that she didn’t extend the invitation to Nadia.

“Thanks, but Ms. Novak and I have made plans for lunch before returning to Gamble.”


“I want to thank you for finally having me on your show,” Nadia said, giving Sue Ellen a smile that even Jaxon could tell didn’t quite reach her eyes.

Sue Ellen nodded, pulling a business card out of her jacket. Handing it to Jaxon, she said, “I would love for you to call me sometime. I’ll be glad to tell you more about the area and even show you around.”

He took the card more out of courtesy than anything else. “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, although he had no plans to do so. He then turned to Nadia. “Are you ready to go, Ms. Novak?”

She nodded. “Yes, Mr. Ravnel. I’m ready.”

When they were buckled inside the car, he glanced over at Nadia before starting the engine. “Where do you want to go for lunch? You’re more familiar with the area than I am.”

She gave him a smile that had his stomach churning with sexual need. “There’s a great bar and grill in the next town. It’s owned by friends of mine and the food is great.”

“That sounds good,” he said, putting on his aviator-style sunglasses. Although it was chilly outside, the bright sun was shining over the mountains.

He glanced over at her. “Are you in a hurry to return to Gamble?”
