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On edge is an understatement.

I want my woman back.

This feels a million times worse than when Reese vanished into thin air. At least then, I knew she left on her own. She wasn’t kidnapped, she wasn’t held against her will, and I didn’t know she was pregnant at the time.

I’m trying to pay attention to the men as they discuss plans and put things into place, but all I can do is envision all the ways I’m going to make Douglas, Logan, and Diaz suffer. And they will suffer.

My torture will know no bounds.

I can’t stop thinking of ways to end these three men. Ways that will cause them to beg for mercy.

“Agony?” Legacy calls out.

Turning my head, I look at him, arching a brow in question. I have no fucking idea what he said to me and how he wants me to respond. I can feel the men in the room focused on me, waiting for a response of some kind, but thankfully, Legacy grunts, then repeats himself.

“Are you good with sending some men to the meetup now so they can get in position?”

My mind is completely lost, too far gone in my thoughts to even give a fuck what they do at this point. I have one thing and one thing only at the forefront of my thoughts, and that is to kill these motherfuckers who thought this shit was acceptable at all.

The girls, the women, the old ladies… none of them asked for any of this. Reese didn’t ask to be stalked and abused. Those girls didn’t ask to be locked up in cages naked and sold into some sick fuck’s fantasies to be used, abused, and tossed away when he’s finished.

These people, these women, are nothing to any of them. And now they have the mothers to our children, our wives, our lovers, in their grasp. We don’t know what the fuck they’re doing to them, and I can’t help but imagine every single depraved thing that could possibly be happening.

“I don’t really give a fuck as long as we do it quickly,” I state.

Legacy dips his chin. I hear someone clear their throat. It’s Duke. Shifting my attention, I press my lips into a straight line as I watch him, waiting to hear whatever the fuck is on his mind.

“There is no way Douglas and Logan are working on their own. Have we thought about the number of people who could be in on this, especially with this shipment that Logan has for Douglas?”

“What about your contact?” I ask. “What can he offer us?”

Duke shifts in his seat, his gaze flicking to Bond for a moment as they share a look, then he flicks his gaze back to meet mine. I watch the interaction, still on high alert that there is something happening with the Hell’s Souls and not quite believing they were just released from their positions the way they claim.

“He can’t offer much,” Duke murmurs.

“Zero protection?” Legacy asks. “This whole thing started because Logan promised us protection with the feds. And now we’re doing this shit, our women have been taken, and we don’t get dick?”

Charley stands, placing his hands on the table, his gaze leveling on us, shifting between each of us.

“Enough,” he barks. “It’s clear this shit is not going to get resolved with us sitting here in this office. We need to get the women and these assholes, then go from there. If the feds come in and try anything, all we can do is explain our situation and hope they believe us.”

“You think a hell of a lot of the government,” I mutter. “I wouldn’t trust them for a fucking second. They’ll pin this shit on us. They’ll figure out a way.”

Duke and Bond don’t appear to believe me, which is fine. They can live in their dreamworld all they want, but if Logan is working for them in any capacity, we will go down for this shit. I guarantee it.

A few moments later, the plan is solidified and voted on by everyone except me. I didn’t vote for shit because I personally want to kill them all, and that is that. I’m not going to vote for shit I don’t believe in, and there are enough men here that they don’t need my vote to make or break anything.

Legacy gathers a group of men and sends them off to the meeting place in hopes they won’t be seen and can set up a perimeter before this evening. It’s been too fucking long since Reese and the other women have been missing.

None of us have eaten or slept.

We have one mission and one mission only—to get our women back.

With the decision made and the orders given, we split up to prepare for tonight. In just a few hours, I’ll be met with the truth. The other men’s wives are likely all fine. This is a hostage situation for them to get whatever it is Doulas and Logan want, but that is not the case with Reese.

There is something bigger happening with her. The fact that Logan has been telling Douglas where Reese has been for years makes me feel extremely uncomfortable in this entire situation. I am not even sure Reese will be there. In my mind, this is another moment for the agony to creep into me and take over completely.

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