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Basically, the woman’s a menace in dresses. I should tell my mom’s stylist to pick out some loose suits for her instead.

Amelia grins over her toast. “You’re right. Is breakfast for dinner our thing?”

I try to sound scornful. “We don’t have a thing.”

“Last time, you were sobering me up so you could convince me to fake an engagement with you.” She narrows her eyes in mock suspicion. “What are you going to try to convince me to do this time?”

A carousel of images flashes in my mind, of all the things I want to convince her to do.

“Nothing,” I say firmly. I’m trying to convince myself as much as Amelia. I clear our plates and drop them in the sink to soak. I stare down at the water pooling over the dishes, without looking back at her.

I think of all the things she said to my dad when defending me. She didn’t need to do that.

I want to say thank you, but the words stick in my throat. They feel too vulnerable.

Instead, I say, “Amelia, if there’s anything at all you want while you’re here. Anything you need...”

“Could you pick up some cookie dough when you’re at the grocery store?” she asks. “Oh, and grapefruit.”

I shoot her a glance over my shoulder, trying to tell if she’s messing with me. Does she really think I do my own grocery shopping?

And is that really all she wants?

“They’re normally my treat foods,” she explains. “Raw cookie dough for dessert. Grapefruit for breakfast. But I guess if I’m living with all this...” she gestures at the casual extravagance that fills my apartment. “I don’t need to ration my treats. I could have grapefruit for breakfast every morning.”

She says it like it’s an unimaginable extravagance.

And my heart aches a little.

She could have demanded more from our original deal. She could be seducing me now, trying to make my wealth hers on a more permanent basis. Hell, she could have asked for something big just now. Something expensive and unforgettable.

Iwantto give her something unforgettable.

But she wants cookie dough and grapefruit.

“Sure,” I say, turning back to the dishes.

I knew Amelia was too good to be around my dad. But I’m starting to think she’s too good to be around me too.

When she makes her excuses and heads off to bed, I say goodnight without looking at her.

I can’t let myself.



It’s surreal being back at work with Cole. From the moment I step off the elevator with Cole—because of course we come to work together now—everyone’s whispering. Cole’s dad must have already talked to some people, because the gossip about our engagement has already spread. And the ring on my finger just confirms it.

Cole places a possessive hand on the small of my back and drops a casual peck on my cheek. Like it’s something he does every day.

Like it’s something we bothwanthim to do every day.

Then he’s off, striding to his office and barking orders at his assistant.

Leaving me to face the rest of our coworkers alone.

For a second everyone stares at me. A few of the younger women look envious. A few of the older one’s look like they pity me.

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