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He frowns, like he’s genuinely confused. “Is it the wrong brand? Or flavor?”

“Flavor?” My voice has risen an octave. “Theflavoris not the problem, Cole.”

He scowls. “There’s no need for theatrics. I don’t know how you’ve interpreted my fulfilling your request as an insult. It’s been a long day for me—”

“I didn’t request this.” I drop the box on his desk. “It’s a gross violation of personal boundaries.”

“Oh, for goodness sake.” Cole opens the black box, irritated. “It’s just...” His voice trails off as he sees what’s inside. Maybe now that he’s seeing it in real life, Cole’s realizing what a bad idea this was.

I stand with my hands on my hips, feeling vindicated.

Cole looks up at me. His blue eyes are inscrutable. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding.”

“Oh really? Youmistakenlybought me a vibrator?”

“I bought you the cookie dough and grapefruit you wanted.” Cole flips the box closed and checks the shipping label. “Who the hell is M. Smith? And why is he sending you sex toys?”

Wait. M. Smith?

I feel all the blood drain from my face.

I have never in my life been so embarrassed.

M. Smith is my best friend, Maddy Smith. I thought she was joking when she said she’d send me a sex toy from her work to thank me from the bachelorette party. But she actually did it.

Cole’s whole body is rigid.

I can’t believe how badly I’ve just insulted him. I think about explaining the whole mess to him. From a certain angle, it’s funny.

Or not.

They say when you’re in a hole, stop digging.

I grab the box off Cole’s desk. “Never mind. Misunderstanding. I’m so sorry. This is so embarrassing. Thank you for the cookie dough. And the grapefruit. Nice to have a treat before bed, right?”

I wince, realizing too late how that sounded.

Cole is unamused. He stands up to his full height, his hands braced on the desk. “Amelia. Who is M. Smith?”

“A close friend.”

“How close, Amelia?” There’s something dangerous in his voice as he comes out from behind his desk. He stalks toward me. And I’m too chicken to stick around and figure out which specific detail in this mess of embarrassment has pissed him off.

So I back toward the door. “Bye. Goodnight. I’m just going to...” I trail off, realizing I’m gesturing with the vibrator box as I talk. “Bye.”

I turn to flee.

“Oh no you don’t,” Cole growls, grabbing my waist. I drop the box, startled. Before I know what’s happening, Cole’s got my back pressed against his office wall. He’s caging me in with his body, his arms on either side of my head.

My heart’s beating fast. I know how to put an end to this interaction. All I have to do is tell him I want to leave and mean it.

But I don’t move. Instead, I stare up at Cole, my stomach a mass of knots and butterflies.

“Are you trying to torture me?” he demands. “I make you promise to be mine for six months, so you have your friends-with-benefits guy send you something to keep you warm in the meantime?”

His blue eyes are dark and stormy.

I swallow. “That’s not—”
