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“Need something to fill you, baby girl? Missing your vibrator?”

“Missing you,” I say. His fingers dig into my ass.

I mean the words as a tease, but it’s true. I like him so damn much, but I know this can’t last. He’ll go. And that knowledge has me craving him like he’s a million miles away, even when he’s kneeling between my thighs, giving me everything I want.

He kisses the inner crease of my thigh, then works his way in, until he’s eating me out, and I’m shuddering and gasping while he does unspeakable things to my clit. My hands are so tight on my skirts, I think I hear something delicate rip.

“Yes, Cole, that, Oh God...”

He changes something, the angle, or the pressure, I don’t know, but it’s enough to send pleasure blazing through me as I fall off the edge, gasping for air. I forget to hold onto the tulle, and it slides away, covering Cole’s head.

He makes an undignified sound, and a soft, joyful laugh spills from my lips as I rescue him from all the layers of fabric.

He sits back so he can look up at me, one elbow carelessly resting on his raised knee, his other leg sprawled out in front of me. With his shirt half undone, his eyes dark, his lips wet with me, and his dick hard as a rock, he looks like sex incarnate.

He offers me his hand. “Come down to me, Amelia.” His voice is husky. Chivalrous and wicked at the same time.

“Why can’t you come up to me?” I ask. I pat the couch cushion. “It’s softer up here.”

“Because I intend to do things to you which that velvet can’t recover from.”

Even a thoroughly pleasured woman feels a thrill when she hears those words.

I take his hand, and that feels good too. Strong and right and the best part of my day.

He spreads his jacket underneath me, then eases me down beneath him. I finish undoing the rest of his buttons so that his shirt falls open. He strips it off and tosses it aside impatiently. He grinds his stiff cock against my pussy, watching my face as the pleasure mounts. There’s something fierce and unreadable in his gaze. His hands are in my hair. I’m about to come he kisses me, hard, and I wrap my leg around his hip, loving the way he groans and bucks.

“Need you,” I say. “Need you.”

“Amelia.” He starts to pull back, reaching for his fly, but he gets distracted when I lightly graze my teeth against his neck.

“God,” he swears. Or maybe prays.

A second later he’s got his cock in hand. Then he’s sliding inside, giving me exactly what I need. I pant in his ear, adjusting to the delicious stretch.

His back is tense under my hands, keeping himself under control, until he knows I’m ready for more.

Luckily, I know exactly how to break that control.

Maybe we fuck for hours,or for seconds. I don’t know. I’m lost in Cole. In his scent, his hands, his pleasure. He’s so fuckinggood.

“God, Amelia,” he breathes. He’s murmuring nonsense sex words. Praise and curses and promises I only half understand. His voice is rugged, hungry, possessed. I’m pretty sure I could come from just the sound of his voice.

Then he says it.

“I think I’m falling in love with you, Amelia.”

I seize around his cock, coming so hard I wonder if I heard those words or imagined them.

Then his fraying control snaps, and he’s a demon, taking his pleasure out on me. When he comes, the expression that flashes across his face is sinfully transcendent. Like a fallen angel.

He collapses on me, breathing hard. A man once more.

Dimly, I realize I can still hear the muffled music of the gala downstairs. So we haven’t been up here for hours. It just feels like it.

I think I’m falling in love with you, Amelia.

Did he mean that?
