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He rounds on me. “Do you really think I’m that stupid?”

His ire catches me off guard. I’ve seen him angry before, but there’s something about this that feels different.

It feels less like rage, and more like disgust.

I flip to the next photo, trying to figure what the fuck he thinks I did.

If you don’t know any better, the photos definitely make it look like Hazel and I are on a date. There’s one where my hand brushes against hers as I reach for the salt, and she blushes. One where she laughs, and it looks like I want to kiss her.

Probably because I did,I think.

In the second to the last photo, I’m guiding her out of the restaurant. I’m touching the small of her back, but the photo is out of the focus, and I guess if you squint, it looks like I’m touching her ass?

I struggle to hold back an eye roll. “Look, I get it, it would be bad if I was hooking up with an employee, but I’m obviously not, so...”

I trail off as I see the last photo.

It’s from when Hazel dropped her phone under the table. This one’s not blurry at all. You can clearly make out the back of Hazel’s head as she kneels between my legs, clutching my thigh.

From this angle, it looks like she’s sucking me off in a public restaurant.

And my face isn’t helping matters. My eyes are dark and unfocused. Why the hell do I look like...

Oh. Right. That was immediately after Hazel took a bite of chocolate and moaned like a porn star.

My hands tighten on the photos. “This isn’t what it looks like. We had a business dinner. She dropped her phone—”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses,” Dad says. “You said you wanted the CEO job when I retire, so I handed you a way to improve your reputation on a silver platter. But you don’tthink.You're selfish, lazy, and immature.” He snatches the not-a-blowjob photo from me and shakes it in my face. “What would your mother think if she saw you like this?”

I grab the photo back from him. “She’d think I have a father who likes thinking the worst of me.”

His eyes flash. “You arenevergoing to have my support as CEO for Helius. In fact, I’m going to recommend against it when I retire.” He jabs a finger at the photos I’m clutching. “You can tell Hazelto stop writing. If this is what she considers professional behavior, I’ll make sure she never works in New York publishing again. I can’t believe that she acted like another one of your whores—”

I’m out of my chair and in his face in an instant. “You keep her name out of your mouth,” I snarl.

“Why?” my dad scoffs. “You going to marry her?”

“Yes, actually, I am,” I snap, because he’s being a dick and he deserves a good scare. “You just called your future daughter-in-law a whore and threatened to ruin her career. Guess that means you’re not invited to the wedding. Is that enough of a scandal for you?”

I turn on my heel and stride toward the door.

“Wait.” My dad grabs my arm, his eyes searching my face when I reluctantly turn back toward him. “Are you serious?”

To my surprise, he doesn’t look nervous, or angry.

Instead, he looks...hopeful?


I really am terrible son.

I open my mouth to correct the record and tell him the truth, but before I can, my brain kicks into gear and I see what might be the solution to all my problems.

I can get my dad back on my side and save Hazel’s career in the process.

“You’ve been on me to marry a nice, respectable girl forever,” I remind him. “Are you really going to ruin her career because she went on a date with her fiancé?”

He gapes. “I...of course not.”
