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“I didn’t like how we ended it yesterday,” she says as she approaches the office doorway. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you into a life you don’t want, I just...oh.” She stops talking when she steps into the office and sees Violet.

Violet snatches her hand away from my arm like we’ve been caught doing something naughty.

My mom’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh. You’re Gage’s new assistant. And you’”

There’s an awkward silence, during which I’m suddenly remembering that while Crawford Investing doesn’t have a formal policy against workplace relationships, my mom tends to frown on bosses who date their subordinates.

She’ll be fine with it once she knows we’re engaged, but...

Violet clears her throat and holds out her hand. “It’s, um, Violet. We’ve actually met before. You were at my brother Tom’s wedding. I changed my hair.”

My mom’s face clears. “Oh! Of course. I didn’t realize you’d come to work for us.” She shakes Violet’s hand. “I didn’t mean to intrude. Normally when Gage takes work home, he doesn't take his assistant with him.”

She might be smiling, but there’s a mild sting underneath her words that lets me know I’ll be in for a scolding on healthy workplace boundaries tomorrow.

This whole thing could backfire unless I fix it.


I take a deep breath and slide my hand around Violet’s waist. “Actually, Mom, we weren’t working. Violet and I have some news.”

I can feel Violet stiffen. But it’s too late to stop now.

“Violet and I are engaged.”

For a second Mom just stares. And then she blurts, “Engaged?To bemarried?”

“That’s pretty much the only kind,” I say dryly.

“Right. I...oh what am I saying? Welcome to the family, Violet!” She spreads her arms and crushes Violet in a hug.

Violet shoots me a mildly alarmed look over my mom’s shoulder.

“I noticed you two had chemistry at Tom’s wedding,” she says.

I resist the urge to snort. Clearly, my mom’s memory is playing tricks on her.

Then she releases Violet and turns to hug me too. “I’m happy for you both. Really...”

But as she steps back from the hug, I can’t help noticing that she doesn’t actually look happy.

For a second I wonder if she thinks Violet isn’t good enough for me, and a part of me feels weirdly defensive on Violet’s behalf. Sure, Violet is a terrible secretary. But she’s smart, distractingly gorgeous in a formal gown, and kind. At least, she’s kind to people who aren’t me. Plus, she’s got a spine of steel.

I thought those were the sort of things mothers looked for in a daughter-in-law.

I cross my arms. “Something on your mind, Mom?”

She sighs. “It’s just...are you sure that you’re ready to get married, hon? It would be a bad idea if you ruined a good relationship by rushing to the altar because you had...ulterior motives.”


Mom might think the relationship is real, but she basically just asked me if I only got engaged because of our business deal with the Coyotes.

Violet frowns innocently. “What do you mean, ‘ulterior motives’...oh my gosh!” Her hands fly to her face. “Is that your way of asking if I’m pregnant?”

I make a choking sound. I know that’s just Violet’s way of distracting Mom from myactualulterior motives, but now I’m hit with a vision of Violet pregnant with my child.

She’d look pretty pregnant, I think, and then I blink.
