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“This is Josh Peck. I need to talk to Gagenow.I didnotapprove those changes to the deal points,” a very angry voice spits out.

“One moment, please. I’ll transfer you through.” I put him on hold, but then I remember that Gage wants me to check with him before I transfer a call in case he doesn’t want to take it.

Unfortunately, I can’t actually remember how to call Gage without hanging up on this Peck dude.

I improvise.

I stand and go and knock on Gage’s office door, timidly at first.

He doesn’t answer. I can’t tell if he doesn’t want to be disturbed or if he just didn’t hear.

I knock harder.

“What?” Gage barks from the other side of the door.

I open the heavy wooden door and poke my head in. “Um, do you want to talk to Mr. Peck? He wants to talk about the deal points. It, um, sounds urgent.”

Gage scowls. “What could possibly be urgent? We signed the deal with Shane Peck last month.”

He’s even hot when he’s grumpy, which is just unfair of the universe. Grumpy men shouldn’t be this attractive.

It’s honestly a little distracting.

“So, you don’t want to talk to him?” I clarify.

Gage sighs. “No, put him through. I need to maintain that relationship.”

I go back to my desk and, after a minute and a half of frantically consulting the manual for my phone system, I successfully transfer the call to Gage.

I smile, feeling pretty proud of myself.

It’s not my dream job, but I can figure this out.

My good mood lasts for a whole forty-five minutes.

“Violet, get in my office!” Gage shouts.

His stern voice sends shivers down my spine. I grab my notebook and head into his office.

He’s no longer sitting behind his desk. Instead, he’s pacing the room like a caged tiger.

This can’t be good,I think.

“Yes? How can I help?”

He rounds on me. “You can start by never transferring Josh Peck’s calls to me.”

“But you said—”

“I said,ShanePeck. You heard me say,Shane. But you let me go into that call without correcting me. I just wasted nearly an hour on the phone with a failed CEO whose company we’re in the process of acquiring.” His eyes are icy as he glares at me. “All communications should be handled by the lawyers at this point, but he tried to go around them, and you helped him.”

The back of my neck heats. “I’m sorry.”

“Were you not listening to me? Do you make a habit of ignoring important details? Or did you notice, and choose to say nothing?” He demands.

I grit my teeth against the desire to tell him off. Yes, I screwed up. But it’s also my first day, and no one has bothered to teach me how to do anything. Tina from H.R. basically dropped a bunch of instructional binders on my desk and wished me good luck.

Does Gage honestly expect every employee to just wander in off the street and be perfect?
