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“I can see that,” Maria nods. “That confident asshole thing is annoying in real life, but it can be hot in bed. Evolution really screwed us over on that one.”

I know what she means, but...“Actually, he wasn’t an asshole yesterday. I mean, he was for a bit, but then we fought about it while we were trapped in the elevator—”

“You werewhat?”

“And it turned out he was mostly being a jerk because he was trying not to jump my bones, so then we jumped each other’s bones, and after that it was just...nice.” I smile at the memory. “The power was out, so we just laid in front of his fireplace and...talked. He really wanted to know why I like teaching. I even convinced him to let me give him a drawing lesson.” I can’t help but laugh. “He got so damn grumpy, but he kept trying.”

Maria tilts her head. “You’re falling for him.”

My smile fades.

A runner jogs by us. Watching shirtless guys exercise used to be half the reason Maria and I liked to hang out in Prospect Park. But compared to Gage every guy who jogs past us just seems sort of...washed out. They lack that fire that’s always burning inside of Gage.

“Yeah,” I admit at last. “I’m falling for him. Which is why I told Gage we couldn’t have sex again.”

Maria winces in sympathy. “How’d he take that?”

“He basically just shrugged and said, ‘If that’s what you want.’” I throw my hands up in the air. “Impossible man.”

“Wait, is this your engagement ring? I haven’t seen it yet.” Maria catches my left hand and holds it up for inspection. “Damn. This is gorgeous. He was smart to let you pick it out.”

“He didn’t. He picked this one out for me, with the help of his two best friends.” The damn ring twinkles in the sunlight, a reminder of how embarrassingly fake my relationship is. “It was weird, he came home so drunk that night. He stripped every piece of art I’d complained about off the walls and hung up a painting I’d just done instead.”

Maria studies me, an unreadable expression on her face. “Huh. Has he done anything else romantic?”

“I mean, there was the whole wooing thing, but that was just for the sake of the fake relationship.” I launch into an explanation of all the gifts he got me, and how annoyingly perfect they were.

Maria blinks. “Hold up. He remembered a band you said you liked severalyearsago? Long before you started this fake relationship thing?”

I shrug. “He’s got a good memory. You should see him in the boardroom. He remembers everything about everyone.”

“Orrrrrrrr,” Maria says, drawing out the word, “You’re not the only one who’s falling.”

My stomach pinches with nervous hope. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying, it sounds like, fake relationship or no, Gage pays alotof attention to what will make you happy. Including, when you told him it would make you happier if you guys stopped having sex.” She pops open the top of her water bottle and side-eyes me while she takes a drink.

“I didn’t say it would make me happier,” I protest.

“But it sounds like that’s what he heard,” Maria points out. She closes her water bottle and drops it back in her tote bag. “Look, I’m not necessarily Gage’s biggest fan. If you don’t want to fuck him, don’t fuck him. All I’m saying is you made a decision because you thought there was no possibility he’d ever fall for you too. But what if he already is?”

For a second I let myself imagine it. Gage and me against the world, teaming up to help each other achieve our goals. Convincing him to let his guard down so I can keep getting to know him, and then letting my own down so he can get to know me too. Earth-shattering sex whenever we felt like it. Sharing meals and sharing a bed.

It sounds fucking amazing.

It also sounds too good to be true.

I know a fairy tale when I hear it.

“He’s not falling for me,” I say firmly. “That means I need to get over him.”

Maria shrugs. “Well, in that case, I’d start filling up your social calendar for the next six months. Because spending your nights playing house with a hot guy you’re trying not to crush on is a recipe for disaster.”

I nod. “Yeah. On that note, what are you doing this Friday?”

Maria cackles. “Sorry, girl, I can’t help you. My work crush asked me out.” She wiggles her shoulder.

“Wait. Tall Brian who knows how to fix the copier?” I gasp.
