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“Take a deep breath,” he says, “and move one finger off the branch at a time. You can hold the branch with your other hand.”

I take a deep breath and do what he says.

Slowly, I relax enough to feel my limbs again. When I give Gage a nod that I’m ready, he starts moving down the ladder to give me room.

I follow him. Slowly. Cautiously. With lots of fumbling and clutching the ladder in a death grip.

Through it all Gage is a few feet below me, patiently reassuring me as I move down the ladder.

My feet touch the ground as Gage hands the cat to its wide-eyed owner.

“Thank you,” she whispers to Gage like he’s some kind of superhero.

Part of me is indignant.I’mthe one who got stuck in a tree for her damn cat. But another part of me understands.

When he’s taking control and saving the day like that, Gage does kind of look like a superhero.

He turns back to me, his scowl back in full force. “Now, why don’t you tell me what thehellyou thought you were doing up there—”

I throw my arms around Gage and hug him tight.

For a second Gage freezes.

And then he hugs me back, tight. He blows out a shaky breath. “Don’teverdo that again, Violet.”

It dawns on me that maybe Gage wasn’t quite as calm as he seemed this whole time. It’s a reminder that he’s better than me at hiding what he’s feeling—especially if something he cares about is at risk.

His big hand cradles the back of my head, tucking me tightly against his chest.

For the first time since that branch snapped, I stop feeling like I’m about to fall. Gage has me. I’m safe.

“I won’t,” I promise, “I won’t.”

Gage blows out a deep sigh of relief. Like maybe he finally feels okay too.

“Come on,” he says gruffly. He steps back and takes my hand. “Let’s go home.”

I nod and let him lead me home.

* * *

Once we’re backin Gage’s apartment, I begin to feel a little silly about how freaked out I was about being stuck in a silly tree. It doesn’t help that Gage is both unusually grumpy and unusually considerate. He keeps scowling, tossing his phone aside, and muttering scornful things about damn fool women with no sense of self-preservation.

I’m pretty sure I’m the damn fool woman in question.

At the same time, he keeps finding excuses to touch me. Brushing against me in the kitchen. Helping me into one of his sweaters when he notices me shivering. Tucking a loose strand of hair back behind my ear. And he keeps asking if I need anything. A glass of water, a blanket, a house call from his doctor.

When he asks if I need to take a day off work tomorrow, I’m officially freaked out.

Gage Crawford is encouraging me to work less.

I make my excuses and head to bed early. A good night’s sleep will fix everything. He’ll go back to being a work-obsessed ass, and I’ll go back to being vaguely annoyed by him. It’s exactly what we both need.

I change into my pajamas and slide into the softest sheets I’ve ever felt in my life. Even the bedding is luxurious at Gage’s place.

I’m about to fall asleep when my phone buzzes with a text from an unfamiliar number.

Hello Violet, this is Natasha from your engagement shoot. I just wanted to reach out and apologize if there was anything about the shoot that made you or Gage uncomfortable. I always strive to create a safe, positive environment for my clients. Per Gage’s request, I’ve deleted my copy of all the photos I took. But I thought you might want your own copies, in case you and Gage change your mind. Congrats again on your upcoming wedding and let me know if you’re ever looking for a photographer. Full disclosure, you’re one of the most electric couples I’ve ever shot.
