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I’m an hour and a half into the business lunch that will not end. I would have wrapped it up sooner, but my mom is here and she and one of the other CEOs have known each other since high school. Every time someone else tries to end the lunch, my mom or her friend order another round of drinks for the table, trapping everyone else for another thirty minutes.

At least Violet will think the whole thing is hilarious when I tell her about it.

I smile down at my phone as I shoot Violet a text letting her know she’ll need to rearrange this afternoon.

“What are you smiling about, Gage?” my mom’s friend Janet asks. She’s a power-suit-wearing woman in her late sixties who looks like a kindly grandmother but will cut you like a knife if you cross her in business.

“Probably texting his fiancée,” my mom chimes in, beaming at me with obvious pride.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to say something cutting in response, but she looks so damn happy.

And hell, I am too. My mom’s not wrong. These days if I’m sneaking a glance at a phone in a meeting, it’s not to check the stock market or the progress on an upcoming sale. It’s because I’m texting with Violet. It’s like my brain is addicted, and nothing else can give me the high of finding out what she’s thinking, what she’s doing, how her day is going.

“Guilty as charged,” I admit, and the whole table laughs.

Then I spot a familiar figure charging through the restaurant toward our table.

It’s Tom. But instead of his normal easy-going smile, he looks like he wants to punch somebody. When he comes to a stop in front of our table, conversation grinds to a halt.

“Gage,” Tom grits out. “I need to talk to you.Now.”

I grit my jaw. I’m pretty sure this means he’s found out Violet and my relationship is a little more than fake. But instead of feeling guilty, I realize I’m getting pissed. I make Violet happy. I take care of her, as much as she’ll let me. It might not be a conventional arrangement, but Tom knows me. He knows I wouldn’t hurt Violet. Where does he get off acting like I’m some villain who’s out to ruin his sister’s life?

“Tom. I’m going to need you to wait until I’m done with this meeting.” I send him my most withering gaze.

But Tom doesn’t wither. If anything, he looks even more determined. “No, I’m not going to wait until it’sconvenientfor you, you asshole. You knocked my sister up and now she’s freaking out because she thinks you don’t want the kid!”

My mom drops her fork, and it clatters loudly in the silence.

The whole room is staring at me, but I barely notice.

All I can think is,Violet’s pregnant? With my kid?

It’s so improbably I don’t quite dare believe it, but Tom’s right. We need to talk. Now.

I stand, grab his elbow, and steer him out of the restaurant and onto the sidewalk. “What the hell was that about? Violet’s not...I didn’t get her...”

Understanding dawns on Tom’s face. “She hasn’t told you yet.”

“Hasn’t told mewhat?” I demand, my heart racing.

“She called me today freaking out. She had this whole fake story about a friend of a friend, but it was pretty obvious who she was talking about. She’s pregnant with your kid, and she’s worried about how you’re going to react,” Tom says.

I feel lightheaded.

Violet’s pregnant. With my kid.

I’m going to be a dad. Violet’s going to be a mom. And she wants me to be part of her kid’s life—which means staying part of her life. Forever.

Excitement, fear, and relief rush through me in equal measure.

My throat feels thick. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted a future like this when it’s suddenly so close I can reach out and grab it.

Tom runs a hand through his hair. “I honestly want to punch you out right now. But apparently, she wants this kid, and she wants you to want it too. The question is, what are you going to do?”

Tom’s question brings me back to earth. I meet his eyes squarely, as everything in me realizes that there’s only one answer, and it’s the best answer in the world.

“I’m going to marry her,” I say. “I’m going to marry Violet and take care of our kid and spend the rest of my life making her happy.”
