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Peggy’s making me laugh with the latest office gossip, when I catch sight of a familiar tall, broad figure on the other side of the glass door.

“See,” I beam. “There he is.”

Gage steps into the cheerful chaos, and his eyes lock on mine. In a second, he’s by my side. He drops a kiss on my lips, and then he steals Jack from me. Jack wraps a tiny hand around Gage’s thumb, and my heart melts a little.

It’s one of those days in life where every single moment feels perfect.

Peggy spots someone she knows and wanders off to say hi.

Gage shifts Jack into one arm so he can wrap the other around my waist and pull me into him. “Sorry I was late.”

“You weren’t,” I reassure him. “You were right on time.”

For a heartbeat, we just look at each other, and it feels like I’m talking about more than just tonight’s art center opening.

“Speaking of time,” he says. “I was thinking we could set a date.” His smile is rakish. “Come on, Violet. Make an honest man of me.”

My heart leaps. It’s been a year since we got back together, but my body still responds when he looks at me like that.

I almost give him some practical excuse about why it’s not the right time, out of sheer habit.

And then I realize I don’t want to put this part of my life off anymore. My art center is officially open. Jack is happy, healthy, and growing bigger by the day. And Gage has more than proved that he’s the man that I need him to be.

“How about next month?” I ask.


I bite my lip. “Too soon.”

“Hell no. Next month is perfect.”

I almost comment that if he can book the top deck of the Empire State Building with less than five hours’ notice, he can plan a wedding in a month. But the Empire State Building is still a bit of a sore spot for Gage. Maybe I can make that joke after we’ve been married for a year or two.

“How do you feel about Saturday the 30th?” I ask instead.

“I think it’s my new favorite day.” He dips his head and kisses me, soft and lingering. We don’t part until Jack starts fussing.

Neither Gage nor I can seem to stop smiling.

For the first time, Gage seems to take in the rest of the room. By this point in the night, most of the students and donors have left, leaving just our closest friends and family.

Gage looks back at me. “Is this pretty much who you want at the wedding?”

I glance around. “I mean, there’s a few other people. But pretty much.”

“Excellent.” Gage turns to the room at large, covers Jack’s ears, and raises his voice. “Everyone! Violet and I are getting married on the 30th of next month. You’re all invited. Details to come.”

“Finally!” someone shouts. I think it’s Lorelei.

People laugh and cheer. Someone presses glasses of champagne into mine and Gage’s hands.

Gage lifts his glass in the air. “To Violet Miller. The love of my fucking life. Thanks for reminding me how to live, and then making that life immeasurably better.”

People makeawwwsounds as they clink their glasses. I’m blushing, but I’m smiling too.

I clink glasses with Gage and take a tiny sip before setting it aside. I rarely have more than a sip of alcohol since I’m still nursing. “You know, you make my life better too. Every damn day.”

Gage tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “To all the days to come then.”

I rise up on my toes and kiss him, feeling effortlessly, ecstatically, gratefully happy.

To all the days to come indeed.
