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My hands tightened involuntarily on Beck’s shoulders, and he let out a pained hiss. I released him. “Did Andi say something to you?”

Colt’s gaze flew to mine. “What? No!”

Yeah, that kid couldn’t lie for shit.

“It’s okay if she did,” Beckett said. “You’re her boyfriend. She needs to confide in someone.”

Colt fidgeted. “Yeah, I guess. It’s not my business.”

“You work for us,” I said. “And you’re dating our sister. I think it’s your business more than a lot of people’s. But we’re not quite ready to tell the whole world…”

Colt nodded jerkily. “Yeah, I won’t blab. I’d probably just say the wrong thing anyway.” He shrugged. “I always put my foot in it. I pissed off another park neighbor today.”

I cocked my head. “How’d you manage that?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Apparently I was watering too much.”

We’d picked all native Nebraska shrubs and plants, and ideally, they’d be able to thrive in our natural climate, but the park would require some regular maintenance. We’d be given the contract for mowing, pruning, and watering since Granville didn’t have a parks department like many larger cities.

“Well, don’t let it get to you,” I said. “You’ve been doing great.”

“We’ve noticed how hard you’re trying,” Beckett added.

Colt managed to look us in the eyes. “Thanks. I really do want to turn shit around.”

“We know.”

“I love Andi.”

“Good,” I said. “Keep it that way.”

He chuckled. “I will. Don’t worry.”

Beckett cleared his throat. “Is she okay? About all this…” He waved his hand toward me, and I caught it and tangled our fingers. Colt knew anyway, so fuck it.

“She’s still processing, I think,” Colt said. “It’s…I don’t want to say weird, but…”

“I’m sure it’s weird for her,” Beckett said.

“Yeah.” He nodded. “She loves you guys so much. It’s why we were fighting. She’s loyal. I’m pretty sure she’s just worried about how your dad will take the news.”

“Aren’t we all?” Beckett said dryly.

“Don’t feel like you have to be our go-between,” I added. “But if you don’t mind letting her know that we care about how she’s feeling, and we’re ready to talk when she is…”

“Yeah, of course.” Colt smiled tentatively, his voice uncertain when he said, “We’re all sort of family, right?”

“We are,” I said firmly. “You don’t have to be a Potter to be important to us.”

Beckett smiled up at me, eyes glowing, so irresistible that I bent to brush my lips over his.

Colt backed toward the door. “Well, I should go…”

I flicked a glance toward his uncomfortable expression. “Sure. Go. I want to give my husband arealkiss.”

Colt was out the door in two seconds flat, and my next kiss with Beckett was sloppy, both of us laughing, but also fucking awesome, because I’d gotten to claim him as mine, even if it was just in front of Colt.

Now, we just needed to wrap up this park business and talk to Dad so that we could finally focus on what mattered: building a real life together, as husbands rather than brothers.
