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I laughed. “Fuck, man, not the face!”

I swung at him in retaliation, he swung at me, and next thing, we were on the floor, rolling around on the tarp, each of us fighting to paint the other more.

I’d kind of tuned out the room until I heard Hunter laughing. “I feel like I should be charging admission to watch this.”

“How did we ever miss it?” Clark mused. “We must have been blind.”

I froze and looked over, my moment of inattention my undoing as Beckett flipped me over and pinned my wrists. “Aha! I finally got you!”

“Yes, you do,” Laurie said in a silky voice.

Beckett seemed to realize we had an audience, and his face went red. “Shut up, we’re just playing around.”

“Sure,” Laurie said, sounding as if he didn’t believe us.

“We are!”

“Are you telling me you two have never used wrestling as foreplay?” Hunter asked, a smirk in his voice.

“Uh…” Beckett very obviously couldn’t tell a lie for shit. Our friends lost it, laughing.

“Look at that blush,” Bobbi said.

“I know,” I said, pushing up onto my elbows now that Beck had given up pinning me. “Isn’t it adorable?”

Beck shoved my chest, knocking me back to the floor, but he was laughing. “You’re such an asshole.”

“But I’m your asshole.”

“TMI,” Tucker muttered.

I grabbed a handful of Beckett’s shirt and tugged him down for a kiss. He was tense at first, no doubt aware we weren’t alone, but when I kept it relatively tame, he relaxed, kissing me back and then rolling off with a groan. “I’m exhausted.”

“With Wes for a husband, I can’t blame you,” Tucker said, his tone wry.

“Hey, I take pride in exhausting him.”

“Again, TMI.”

I laughed, pushing up to sitting, and shoved my sweaty hair away from my face. I saw that Clark was standing next to the cooler of beer and made grabby hands. He rolled his eyes but grabbed a couple of beers for me and Beckett.

The rest of our friends lowered themselves to sit in a semicircle around us.

“Where’s Toby today?” I asked, glad Hunter’s son hadn’t witnessed our inappropriate roll on the floor. Beckett was probably going to kill me later for starting that little tussle that got out of hand.

“He’s hanging out with a friend. I wanted to surprise him. He’s been helping us so much with the projects around the house, but with school back in session, he deserved a break.”

The conversation meandered from topic to topic, Tucker bringing up the town hall and how very much he wasn’t looking forward to it. “It’s always a clusterfuck. Someone will be unhappy about something.”

“You can’t please them all,” Laurie said. Then leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Just worry about pleasing me.”

I reached for Beckett, wrapping my hand around his leg and tugging him closer. I wasn’t satisfied until he was pressed all along my side and I could rub the supple muscle of his inner thigh.

He shot me a mock glare, but when I tapped my lips with a smile, he only hesitated a beat before leaning in and gifting me with a kiss.

“You two are seriously too cute,” Bobbi said.

“You just like watching,” I joked.
