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“Never again,” he said emphatically.

My father cleared his throat, and I finally tore my gaze from Beckett, reminded that while we’d face our biggest fear, we weren’t quite through with this trial by fire just yet. I turned my head, braced for the worst.

But when I forced my gaze to my father, he was looking on with…approval?

I blinked, wondering if I’d actually passed out and started dreaming. Why wasn’t he yelling?

“I found your marriage certificate right before I left town,” he said, sending my stomach back into freefall. “It must have been misdelivered to the office instead of your trailer.” He chuckled wryly. “I was pretty mad at first, I won’t lie. I thought you’d taken the prank too far.” He cleared his throat, sounding sheepish as he added, “Carol made me see some sense. She insisted I take some time and think before I confronted you. And she pointed out how close you two have always been. I wasn’t sure what to think. Neither of you has dated a man before.”

“It was a surprise to us too,” Wes said. “I don’t know why it happened. I just know Beckett is my person, you know? I realize…not everyone will understand, with us being related and all.”

Dad nodded, looking thoughtful. My family had always been a good, open-minded bunch, so I knew Dad wouldn’t freak over a same-sex relationship. But accepting a relationship between the two men he considered sons might be a tougher proposition.

He raised his voice. “Carol? Come on in here, will you?”

Beckett’s mother entered the room quickly enough I realized she hadn’t gone far. She went to stand by my father, laying a hand on his shoulder.

“Tell the boys what you told me,” he said.

Carol didn’t miss a beat. She smiled at us and said softly, “It’s a little unorthodox, but you’re not actually brothers. If you love each other, I don’t see how that can be wrong.”

Her reaction didn’t completely surprise me. In the years since they’d married, I’d learned that Beckett’s mom was open-minded and compassionate, always. Even though my dad had invited Beckett to call him Dad, Carol had never made any such requests. She’d told me quietly that I was welcome to call her anything I wanted, because she would never presume to replace my mother who I’d lost so unfairly.

Carol was very quiet, and it was easy to think she was timid, but she fought for her family in her own way. Her acceptance and support was clear to see, warming my heart.

Dad continued. “I spent most of the time I was away thinking about this and talking with Carol about how to handle it, what we should say or do. I wish you’d told us the truth from the beginning.”

Suddenly words spilled from my lips. “You ripped into us the second we got home, though, Dad.”

“You jumped to a lot of conclusions,” Beckett added.

He winced. “I guess that’s true. I didn’t have an inkling there might be something real between you. I thought you were pulling pranks and mocking marriage, and it pissed me off. Love is precious.” He reached up and squeezed Carol’s hand. “I loved Wes’s mother, and I love Carol, dearly. That’s not something to mock.”

“We weren’t—”

“Just let me finish,” he said. “I need to know, once and for all, that this isn’t a joke to you. I know you’ve said you love each other, but are you really committed to forever? Marriage is serious business.”

“It’s not a joke,” I said.

“We take it very seriously,” Beckett added.

Dad opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get anything out, Andi rushed in, a queasy-looking Colt behind her.

“Wes and Beckett love each other!” she exclaimed. “I support them and so should you, and if you don’t accept their relationship, well…” She seemed at a loss for a minute. “Well, then I’ll be really mad at you!”

Dad looked bemused. “All right.”

She paused. “I mean it. They’re my brothers and I have their backs!”


Andi kept going, though her words were losing heat as Dad’s lack of reaction started to sink in. “I’m not coming to family dinner unless they’re invited too!”

“Makes sense,” he said. “Not much of a family dinner without your brothers.”

“That’s right! We’re a family, even if they’re…they’re…”

“Banging?” Colt offered helpfully when she seemed to stall out.
