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“What’s that?”

“If you’ve got it, might as well flaunt it.”

I grinned. “Are you saying I should flaunt you?”

He tugged me close and kissed me. “Hell, yeah, I’m totally worth flaunting.”

“You are,” I agreed.

“Now, how about we commemorate the moment by fucking before our lunch break is over?”

I tucked my face into his neck, laughing as I held him tight, feeling like this moment was the perfect embodiment of our relationship. No one made me feel precious, sexy, and ridiculous all at the same time.

“Hell yeah,” I said. “That sounds perfect.”

Some people might not think it was romantic when he groped my ass and gave a whoop, hustling me toward our trailer, but his style of ravenous lust absolutely did it for me.

Maybe if I was lucky, we’d even break another bed.



I was kneelingin the dirt, on the edge of a hole I’d dug and filled with water a few hours ago, when I heard Logan say “holy shit” under his breath and Colt promptly dropped the ruler we were using to measure the water-absorption rate.

“What the hell?” I muttered, leaning forward to fish it out.

“Wait!” Logan grabbed the back of my shirt, tugging me back before I could dip my hand into the muddy water. “I think Beckett needs to talk to you.”

“He’s not even here,” I grumbled. “He went to Omaha with his cousin to visit the greenhouse there and have some fun, so—”

“Wes,” Colt said emphatically. “Just turn around.”

“Fine, you fish out the ruler then,” I said as I pivoted on my knee. “Not like I want to get all muddy any–whaaa…”

My brain blanked out, unable to process what I was seeing for a minute. Beckett was on one knee, a ring box open in his hand.

“Hi,” he said.

I rose to my feet, staring. “You’re back early.”

He smiled, lips trembling enough I could see he was nervous. “Well, not really. That was all part of the plan.”

I cocked my head, my eyes taking in the ring box, but not fully comprehending what was happening. Was he… But we were already…

“I thought about doing this at a fancy restaurant or at home with just the two of us, but I decided that here was most fitting.”

My brow furrowed in confusion. “At Beaver Hole?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “No, just…on the job, doing what we both love together as partners. I think it’s really here that our friendship began, you know? And that was the beginning of everything.”

“Oh.” Beckett and I had bonded while working on the crew together as teens. Before that, we hadn’t seemed to have much in common. He was quiet, and I was loud. He seemed withdrawn, and I was a huge extrovert. But our first summer on the crew, we’d bonded over the long hours and aching muscles. “Yeah, I guess this was our first love.”

“But not the last,” Beckett said with a small smile.

I swallowed hard, emotion hitting me like a wave. I was pretty sure Beckett was proposing. He had a ring. He had love declarations. I was a little confused because we were married, but yeah, it was all adding up.

Beckett cleared his throat. “Wes, I think you know by now what you mean to me. I hope you do. You’ve taken risks to be with me. Gambled your future to bet on me, and I’ve come to love you more for it every day.”
