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He smiled. “Great. I knew you’d agree! Beaver Hole is going to be such a pleasure for Dix.”

“I really can’t argue with that,” I said with a mostly straight face. Because damn it, I could do this. I could be a responsible business owner who overlooked obvious sexual innuendos the way my father wanted.

Beck had believed in me, so I would too.

* * *


I pulledaround the other side of Beaver Hole, where subcontractors were still installing playground equipment. There was only so much we could do until the heavy machinery moved out or any planting would be in danger of being trampled before it properly took root.

The crew met me by the pickup to discuss our agenda for the day. Luke was still trimming some of the trees in the pre-existing portion of the park. He’d need at least one person to assist. Normally, I’d choose Ryder for that job, but I needed him to manage the residential clients while I was meeting with the Michaels. I didn’t trust Colt to do that on his own, and Logan was too new to take the reins.

“All right, everyone, I’ve got to head out in a minute for a landscape presentation, and Wes is meeting with a liaison of the neighborhood to ensure that we all play nicely together.”

There were a few chuckles. Colt, I noticed, was avoiding eye contact. The little shit probably knew he was in the doghouse for fighting with Andi.

“That means you all have to manage for the next hour or two without us. Luke, you’re on trees, as usual. Logan, I want you to assist.”

“Sure thing, boss.”

“Ryder and Colt, you’re on maintenance.”

Ryder nodded. “You got it.”

“Again?” Colt complained. “Why can’t I assist Luke? The new guy can mow lawns.”

I had considered that option, but Logan got along better with Luke. Hell, Logan got along better with everybody.

“Maybe next time,” I said. “Wes and I will rejoin you guys when we can get free of meetings. In the meantime, Ryder and Luke call the shots.”

I turned for the truck, but Colt muttered something that made me stop and turn back.

“Whatever you want to say, Colt, I suggest you keep it to yourself today of all fucking days.”

Colt huffed. “I didn’t say anything, but it’s not like it matters, right? You don’t ever want to give me a chance anyway.”

His entitled attitude pissed me the hell off. I worked damn hard for this business. When I first started working here in high school, I fucking bled for this crew. I went to bed with splinters and aching muscles and sunburns after busting my ass to keep up with men who’d been on the job for years. I’d earned the respect of the crew by proving myself again and again. But Colt? He just wanted it all handed to him on a silver platter.

My voice was deceptively calm as I strolled up to him and got right in his face.

“Not sure why you think you deserve more. You’re only here because of Andi, not because you’ve earned it. And let’s face it, you don’t really deserve her either, do you?”

Andi didn’t want gossip spreading, so I resisted the urge to threaten him with an ass-kicking, but I think my tone conveyed the sentiment.

Colt glared. “I knew it! I knew you were holding me back because I’m dating Andi.”

I scoffed. “That’s not what’s holding you back, and the fact you can’t figure that out is the whole fucking problem.”

“Beck…” Ryder started. “Maybe we should all cool off, huh? I know you’re just assigning work as you see fit, not treating anyone unfairly.”

Colt opened his mouth to protest, and Ryder cut him off. “We’re a crew, and we have to be prepared to do any job needed. If you can’t handle the day-to-day grind, this line of work might not be for you. Hell, you should be happy. Mowing is one of the easiest jobs we do.”

“I don’t want easy,” Colt said. “I want to be treated like everyone else.”

That was the first thing out of his mouth I could respect.

“Get your house in order, Colt,” I said, giving him a pointed look so he’d know I meant to make shit right with Andi. “Change your attitude and do the work. You only get the respect you earn.”
