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My heart skipped. “No?”

Maybe Beckett had second thoughts about ending our marriage too. Maybe—

“We can file online,” he said, snuffing out the fragile hope that’d been trying to bloom amongst the weeds. “We just fill out some forms, pay with a credit card, and presto! No more marriage.”

My gut tightened with unease. “That sounds too easy.”

“I know!” Beckett sounded enthused. “But it isn’t a scam. I found some on legal websites and the forms are legit. I checked them out.”

“Great,” I said weakly.

“We can take care of this tonight.”

I couldn’t explain the sense of panic gripping me. This was always the plan. Sure, I’d been in no rush to officially end our marriage, but it wasn’t as if I ever expected us to actuallystaymarried. What would be the point when we could tell no one?

Still, the excuse flew from my mouth.

“I’m meeting Lyle at the pub tonight. I’m just going to shower and go as soon as we get home.”

“Oh.” He nodded. “Well, that’s okay. I can do it on my own.”

“No,” I said quickly, that panic clawing at my insides again. When Beckett gave me a startled look, I flailed for an explanation. “We started this together. We should end it together. Don’t you think?”

Beckett’s gaze was searching, and I did my best to look as stoic as Lyle had this morning. I wasn’t as good at hiding my emotions as him, but thankfully, I was still better than Beck. He smiled tentatively. “Yeah, you’re right. This is a milestone moment, even if no one else knows it but us. We’ll do it together.”

“It feels right,” I said, the knot in my stomach loosening a little.

Beckett pulled the truck over our bumpy, rutted drive and parked in front of the trailer.

“Yeah, I guess it does.” He glanced at me, an uncertain smile on his face. “I know I’ve been…kind of a mess, but I need you to know, Wes, that there’s no one I’d rather divorce.”

I snorted with amusement. “Never thought I’d hear that, but I feel the same.” I grabbed his neck and tugged his forehead to mine. “There’s no one else I’d rather fuck up with, bro.”

He gave a shaky laugh. “If we’re not careful, Andi is gonna think we’re kissing out here.’

I grinned. “Well, we can’t have that. What if no one believes we want a divorce?”

He shoved me away with a laugh. “Idiot.”

His voice was so fond it made my heart contract, and I longed to pull him close again, to actually kiss him, to hell with what anyone thought. Instead, I forced myself to open my door and hop out of the truck.

Andi was inside, sprawled in one of our gamer chairs on the floor with glazed eyes and messy hair. Damn, we were going to have to get her out of here before she turned into a slob like me.

“Hey,” she said, gaze flicking up from the television screen. “You ready to throw down, Wes? I’ve been practicing all day, and I’m gonna kick ass.”

“Sorry, I’m headed out. You’ll have to play with Beckett.”

Even though he’d promised to wait to file the divorce together, it wouldn’t hurt to keep him occupied so he didn’t get any other ideas.

I continued through the living room, stripping off my T-shirt as I went. I was soaked with sweat and grime after a long day in the sun. Behind me, I heard Andi and Beckett trash talking one another and smiled to myself. It would be good for them to spend some one-on-one time together. They’d never been as close as Beck and me, and I was probably partly to blame for that, because once we’d become friends, I’d hoarded the time with Beck like a dragon hoards treasure. I hadn’t wanted to share.

Still didn’t, if I was honest, but tonight I had other goals. Like delaying the inevitable.

I hopped into the shower and rinsed off before changing into fresh jeans and a clean T-shirt. Then I grabbed my wallet and keys and high-tailed it out of here while texting Lyle to meet me at The Stag Pub.

I got there before him and ordered the special, meatloaf and mashed potatoes, and a beer. There were plenty of friendly faces, and I could have had company if I’d wanted. Tracy had waved at me with a hopeful look, and Darren—there with his boyfriend, Linc, and a few of their friends—had greeted me with a fist bump as I passed by. But I wasn’t in the mood to flirt or socialize.

I was still processing Beckett’s bombshell. By tomorrow night, I’d be a single man again. So would he. Sure, the paperwork might take some time to process. But ultimately, our marriage would be over. This whole wild ride would be done.
