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Clark hummed thoughtfully. “It’s not ringing any bells.”

Our friends discussed their options, the conversation bouncing around the table. New Mexico could be logical. Maybe Arizona? One by one, Clark dismissed them as not quite right. As the history teacher in our midst, he usually had the strongest base knowledge for trivia.

“What do you think, guys?” Bobbi said, turning toward us. “Either of you got any guesses?”

Everyone looked at us, and I shifted, uncomfortably aware of Wes’s hand on my thigh, thumb brushing up and down my inseam. I could hardly remember my name, much less pull some trivia tidbit out of the recesses of my brain—assuming the answer had ever been in there to begin with.

“Don’t look at me,” Wes said, a shit-eating grin on his face as he glanced toward me. “Beckett is the brains in the family.”

Oh, that man knew exactly what he was doing. From the moment we’d sat down, he’d been finding excuses to touch me when no one was looking. His shoulder would brush mine when he lifted his beer to take a drink. His knee would bump into mine when he spread his legs under the table.

At a certain point, he’d stopped pretending all the touching was innocent and had gone to outright teasing, inching his fingers closer to my dick, making my temperature rise with each minute we spent in the pub, where I had to play it cool.

I slid my hand directly onto his crotch and squeezed, making him jolt, because damn it, two could play at this game.

“I don’t know,” I said to the table full of friends. “Guess we’re going to have to wing this one.”

“Shoot,” Clark muttered.

Wes’s gaze met mine, dark and smoldering, and I withdrew my hand before someone caught on. I was as horny as he was after days of making do with only quick fumbles that barely scratched the surface of my desire.

Andi was just always around, her reconciliation with Colt seeming to grind to a halt. The news had gotten out that they were on a break, and she’d been nearly inconsolable after a friend texted her to ask if it was okay to go out with him.

Wes had even cornered Colt at work and grilled him about his intentions of fixing his relationship with Andi, and Colt had sworn that he was trying. But trying didn’t get us any alone time.

I felt on edge and needy all the time, and I knew Wes had to be feeling the same to be pushing me like he was tonight.

Once the attention had drifted away, I stood up, desperate for a breather. “I’m gonna get another beer.”

Wes opened his mouth, but before he could offer to come with me—and probably try to talk me into sneaking into the bathroom—Laurie stood. “I need another drink too.”

He tipped his glass, gulping a third of it to make that statement true. I rolled my eyes. Here we go.

As soon as we were out of listening range of the table, Laurie went in for the kill.

“You and Wes seem on good terms tonight.”

“Do we?” I said, trying to sound nonchalant as I leaned my forearms on the bar to wait for Calista to finish orders for other customers.

“Yeah, real close,” Laurie said. “He’s been looking at you a lot. Smiling like the cat who got the cream.”

“Not lately,” I muttered.

“What was that?”

I pinned him with an annoyed look. “Get to the point.”

“I’m glad you seem happier,” Laurie said sincerely, dropping the teasing tone.

“Well, I got some good advice recently,” I said. “Decided to take it.”

“Did you? Well, whoever gave you that advice, he must be one smart guy.”

I grinned. “Yeah, I guess he’s learned a thing or two, but then, he is old as fuck.”

Laurie gasped and clutched at his chest. “Is that the thanks I get for trying to help two friends? For genuinely caring and—”

I laughed. “Sorry, but you were too smug. I do appreciate the advice, Laurie. And the…willingness to talk about tough things with me, even when I didn’t want to hear them.”
