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“Ah, I see. You don’t want a flood of folks over here making demands.”

“We couldn’t meet them all,” I said, infusing my words with regret. “We’ve got a budget for labor and supplies, and revising the plan at this stage would create complications.”

Mel nodded. “I understand. Don’t you worry. I won’t flap my lips like some of the gossipers around here. I know how to be discreet.”

“Great, I appreciate it.”

Beckett watched him walk off. “How long until he blabs?”

“I give it less than a day,” I said.

“I give it less than an hour,” Beck retorted with a grin. “Thanks for swooping in with the Potter charm though. He was already blowing steam by the time I arrived to find him and Colt arguing.”

“I wasn’t arguing,” Colt said defensively.

“I wasn’t blaming you,” Beckett said, tone mild.

Colt looked suddenly chastened. “Uh, thanks for standing up for me. Both of you. I didn’t think either of you thought I was worth the shit on your shoes.”

I shook my head. “If you really think that, then we need to grab a beer and clear the air. Because I will always have your back while you’re on this crew, Colt. Beck will too. We need to work as a team.”

Colt looked between us, but his gaze lingered on Beckett as he said, “You don’t hate me?”

“Of course I don’t,” Beckett said.

Colt looked skeptical, so I decided to break the tension with some levity.

“He doesn’t hate you, but you do annoy the shit out of him.”

Colt gave a bark of laughter, and Beckett shoved me, making me stumble to the side.

“Finally, some truth,” Colt said.

“Just for that, you’re buying for both of us tonight,” Beckett said.

Colt looked surprised. “You were serious about getting a beer?”

“Yep.” I slung my arm over his shoulder. “Shit’s been festering too long, and not just with work. It’s time to sort out this shit with Andi too. Let’s all meet at The Stag about an hour after work. We’ll grab dinner, a beer, and get on the same page.”

Colt swallowed hard and looked away. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be there.”

“Good man.” I gave him a little shove. “Now go help Beck, and don’t give him any lip.”

He chuckled. “Yes, boss.”

Beck turned away. “Come on, those perennials won’t plant themselves.”

“Yes, boss!” he called, loping after Beckett with a grin.

Maybe there was hope for that kid after all.

Maybe there was hope for him and Andi too.

And if patching things up between them got me and Beck some privacy in our own home? Even better.

* * *

