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Instead of bantering back, like he normally would have, Beckett returned his gaze to his phone screen, a light pink peeking through his freckles. As a redhead, he really couldn’t hide strong emotions, and I realized I’d just made him blush.

Huh. That had never happened before.

Not gonna lie. I didn’t hate it.

“I can’t believe being family isn’t grounds for annulment,” Beckett complained. “That would make things so much simpler.”

“Well, we’re not really family.”

He tensed right back up. “Thanks a lot.”

“I just mean, like, bio family, Beck.”

“Yeah, I know.”

He said he knew, but he still wasn’t looking at me, and not because he was bashful this time. I could tell my words had upset him, but I wasn’t sure why. Beck had been part of the Potter clan for a decade now. Heck, most people referred to us as the Potter brothers even though Beckett’s last name was actually Monroe.

I put my hand on his thigh, leaning in. “C’mon, man, you know you’re an honorary Potter.”

“Just not a real one.”

“Well, you did just marry one,” I joked. “So if you want my name, just say so.”

“You can’t make jokes like that!” His voice went oddly high-pitched with nerves. “We’re almost home. We need to get back to normal.”

“Dude, I’m being totally normal—”

“Then why is your hand molesting my thigh?”

I glanced down, and sure enough, my casual touch had turned into a bit of a caress when I wasn’t looking. I’d moved my hand up and inward, nearly nudging his crotch, as I gently squeezed.

“Oops, my bad.” I forced myself to withdraw, even though it was hard to stop touching him. I continued to lean into his space, however. “Seriously, though, you know we’re family in the ways it counts. But considering what went down this weekend, I’m glad we’re not bio brothers, aren’t you?”

Beckett wrinkled his nose as my meaning hit him. “Yeah, you make a good point.”

I grinned. “I always do.”

“Seriously, though, Wes. We need to get back to being family, not…” He lowered his voice. “Not husbands or…”

“Fuck buddies?” I waggled my brows. “Bros with benefits?”

“Shut up.” He chuckled, so I knew he was relaxing. “No more jokes about this. What happened in Vegas—”

“Stays in Vegas,” I finished for him. “I know.”

I glanced out the window, noting that the plane was flying lower as it prepared for landing. As the seat belt light dinged on and the flight attendant announced we should put our seats in the upright position, I cupped Beckett’s jaw in one hand.

“But we’re not home yet.”

He parted his lips, but no protest emerged, so I swooped in and kissed him one more time, savoring the feel of his wide mouth beneath mine, the taste of him. I didn’t stop until my ears popped and the plane was gently taxiing across the tarmac.

When I pulled back, he blinked hazy eyes at me. I liked that look on him. It was the sort of look that made me want to drag him into the nearest bathroom and put that mouth to other uses.

Damn. The man was sensual as fuck, and I don’t know how I’d missed it for all those years. I guess I had my straight-guy blinders on, too focused on hooking up with women to see what was right in front of me.

I’d never fail to notice again, not now that I’d had that mouth all over my body, kissing, licking. Even biting sometimes. And the sounds he made.Fuuuuck. Little whimpers and moans, but in a raspy, low voice that somehow made it sexier instead of weird.

Beckett looked out the window at the tarmac as the plane taxied and came to a stop. “Home sweet home.”
