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Bobbi pulled away and turned toward Beckett. “We were just talking.”

He gave a ragged laugh. “Sure, whatever. I’m going home.” His gaze landed heavy and hot on me. There were so many emotions swirling in his eyes that I felt the impact like a punch to the chest. “Wes is coming with me.” His voice was rough, but I heard the slight quiver he tried to hide. “Aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Always, Beck.”

He nodded once without meeting Bobbi’s eyes and walked out the door. She glanced toward me, looking worried. “Sorry. I think I put my foot in it.”

“It’s okay,” I said. “I’ll explain. He won’t blame you.”

Her smile twisted. “If you say so.”

The door swung back open, and Beck sent me a glare. “Are you coming, or do I need to make other plans for the rest of the night?”

“Oh, fuck that,” I said, hurrying toward the door. “I’m coming.’

“Not yet,” he muttered as I followed him through the restaurant dining room. “But you will be.”

“Not if I make you come first.”

He shot me a sidelong look as we stepped out onto the sidewalk. “I guess we’ll just have to see who cracks first.”

I grinned, never one to turn down a challenge. “I guess we will.”

We made it to the truck, but I grabbed his arm to stop him when he reached for the door. He tried to pull away, and I pinned him against the side of the truck, bent over the hood and put my mouth close to his ear. “You’re free to take your frustration out on me tonight. I’m fucking happy to take it. But just know, Beck, that I’d never betray you.”

He craned his head enough that our eyes met. “You better fucking not.” He swept his foot between my legs and tilted his hips, and the next thing I knew, he’d spun out of my grip and was shoving me down. “I don’t like sharing either.”

I broke free of his hold, smiling despite the thick tension thrumming between us. “Glad we’re on the same page.”



We’d barely madeit through the door when Wes shoved me against a wall and kissed me hard. I started to melt for him as usual, going lax under his weight. He pinned my hands beside my head and rocked his hips against mine, making me gasp.

“There we go,” he murmured. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight you forget all about that stupid date.”

My eyes flew open, a spark of residual jealousy igniting. “You didn’t have to flirt so much, you know. It was kind of a dick move.”

He looked surprised. “I wasn’t… I mean, you know how Bobbi is.”

I scoffed. “Yeah, I do. You shouldn’t have encouraged her.”

“It was a date, and it was your idea—”

“No, it wasn’t! I never invited you or Bobbi. That date was for me and Anna, but you couldn’t leave it alone.”

“Oh, fuck that,” he growled. “It’s okay for you to go on a date, but not me? And with your ex, no less?”

I shoved him back. “I wasn’t the one who snuck off to the bathroom.”

“I was hopingyou’dfollow me, not Bobbi.”

“You sure as fuck looked cozy with her though, didn’t you?”

Wes pushed me back against the wall. “I knew the date was a stupid idea.”

I strained against his body weight, tilting my hips and twisting in an attempt to reverse our positions, but it only ended with me face-first against the wall and Wes pinning me there, his breath panting in my ear.
