Page 123 of Don't Date A DILF

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“You’re not crashing,” Clark said. “You were invited.”

Holly relaxed a fraction. “Thanks.”

This man continually astonished me. Many people would be hostile toward an ex, especially when that person showed up on the arm of their boyfriend. But Clark wasn’t most people. He was unfailingly kind, and after what Holly told me about her meltdown at the shop and the way Clark had helped her, I only loved him more.

I leaned in to murmur in his ear, “I am so hot for you right now.”

He turned to look at me, his expression shocked. I placed my hand on his thigh beneath the table, squeezing gently. “I’ve missed you the past few days.”

He looked uncertain. “You’ve had a lot going on.”

“Just not what I really want to be going on,” I said with a flirty smile of my own.

I could see that Clark didn’t feel entirely secure in our relationship, and I couldn’t blame him in this situation, but before I could reassure him properly, the speeches began.

“I’ve known Elmer and Agatha for a lot of years,” Lula Miller started. “We won’t say how many years because that would just insult the newlyweds.”

There was a titter of laughter.

“I think I speak for everyone when I say, we never thought this day would come around again. In fact, we had a betting pool on it. You both will be glad to know that the winner donates the pot, meaning you’re getting a nice wedding gift on behalf of proving at least half the town wrong about you two.”

Elmer smiled, which was high amusement coming from him, while Agatha laughed good-naturedly, eyes sparkling with happiness.

“Agatha and Elmer are uniquely suited for each other, though,” Lula continued. “Who else would respond to their divorce by running competing businesses? And then competing news blogs.”

“Deeper Inside Granvillewill be shutting down!” Agatha called.

“Over my dead body!” Elmer rejoined.

The room broke into laughter as the two of them glared at each other, but then Agatha smacked a kiss on Elmer’s lips and he shook his head and sighed. “Fine, woman, have it your way. We’ll merge the blogs. But don’t expect me to write your fluffy gossip. I’m a newsman.”

She snorted. “You’re a grumpy man, but I love you.”

Lula raised her glass. “I think we can all toast to that. Here’s to Granville’s grumps, together again, where they were always meant to be.”

After the toasts, there was cake. I waited impatiently for the dancing to start so I could pull Clark aside for a private word. Thankfully, he hadn’t pushed my hand off his leg and had even threaded his fingers with mine. That had to be a good sign. He wasn’t giving up on me yet. Still, I felt unsettled by how quiet he seemed, how subdued. I missed the confident man who’d come out before Toby’s meltdown and Holly’s surprise arrival. The man who had fucked me like he owned me, who’d treated me just gently enough for a first time but had also not held back from giving me everything.

When the DJ finally started up the music, my heart accelerated.Finally.

Holly pushed her chair back and stood. When she rounded the table toward me, my heart sank.Oh god. Do not ask me to dance right now, Holls.

“Clark, may I have a dance?” she asked.

His look of surprise no doubt matched my own. He glanced at me, and I shrugged, just as clueless as him about why she’d want to dance with him.

“Sure, of course,” he said, pushing his seat back and following her to the dance floor.

As Holly wrapped her arms around his neck and he placed his hands at her waist, a hint of jealousy flickered.

“Hunter, you’re looking a little green around the edges,” Augustus said.

I glanced his way. “Green?”

“Mm-hmm. What I want to know is, what’s making you jealous? Clark dancing with Holly, or Holly dancing with Clark?”

I huffed and sat back, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m not jealous.”

Beckett snorted. “Sure you’re not.”
