Page 124 of Don't Date A DILF

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“Very convincing,” Joe added.

“Clark is my best friend,” Augustus said, a serious edge to his voice. “I told him to take a chance on you. I hope that wasn’t a mistake.”

I caught his gaze. “It wasn’t a mistake.”

“I could go cut in,” Wes offered.

“Oh hell no.”

But it was a good idea. I shoved my chair back. I wasn’t some caveman who couldn’t contain my jealousy, but if Clark’s friends needed to see where my heart belonged, I’d be happy to show them.

I couldn’t stand to wait one more minute to have the man in my arms again. Holly would just have to understand.

I charged onto the dance floor, ignoring the chuckles and whispers that erupted behind me.

* * *


“I’msure you’re probably wondering why I wanted this dance,” Holly said once we were swaying to the slow, soft music with a handful of other couples.

“I’m a little unsure, yes,” I said with a nervous smile.

I wasn’t the most comfortable guy on a dance floor, though I’d danced with a few female friends here and there. I expected Maisie would drag me out here before the night was over. She’d arrived with her whole family in tow, so she’d ended up sitting at another table. There were a whole lot of familiar faces in the room. Hunter’s brother, Kevin, was on the dance floor with us, wearing a dress that shimmered under the fairy lights and boots with heels that made my ankles hurt just from looking at them. I’d spotted Darren and Linc at a table, along with Evan and Dawson, and the bartender from The Stag, Calista, with her girlfriend, Nat.

“I wanted to thank you properly,” she said. “You really saved me the other day.”

“Oh, you don’t need to thank me. We all get stressed sometimes.”

“Not like me though,” she said. “I appreciate how gracious you are, Clark. Really. Hunter is lucky to have you. I’m sorry if I caused any friction with you two, showing up like this. I was just thinking of surprising Toby. It didn’t occur to me…” She chuckled. “Well, to be honest, it never occurred to me Hunter would have a boyfriend at all.”

“I bet not,” I said. “Kind of took me by surprise too.”

She laughed. “Well, you’re some kind of special, Clark. So I can’t say I’m totally surprised, now that I know you a little.” She looked tentative. “I’m so sorry I came across like a bitch when we met.”

“It’s okay, Holly. You’re a protective mom. As a teacher, I’ve come across my fair share.”

She blinked hard. “You’re really too sweet. I’m glad to know my family will be in good hands when I leave again.” She swallowed. “I probably won’t be back for quite some time. But if I wanted to return…”

“I won’t stand in your way,” I said quietly. “They were your family first, and I just want them both to be happy. If that’s with you—”

“Oh, no, no,” she cut in, her forehead creasing. “I’d never ask for that. That wouldn’t be fair.”

“Still, their happiness is the most important thing.”

Hunter stepped up beside us. “You know what would make me happy? Cutting in to claim the rest of this dance.”

My heart dropped, and I nodded, prepared to step away so he could dance with Holly, but as we parted, Hunter took me into his arms.

“He’s all yours,” Holly said, and I really didn’t know if she was giving me to Hunter or Hunter to me, but the way Hunter was looking at me made it impossible to think clearly.

My heart raced at the intensity in his eyes as he said, “Clark Fletcher, maybe you haven’t been paying attention. I fucking love you.”

My lips parted in shock, but before I could find the words to respond, he kissed me in the middle of the dance floor. Not gently, but with the force of a man trying to make a point, and maybe I had been slow on the uptake, but I wasn’t that slow. I got with the program and kissed him back with all the longing I’d felt for the past few days while my heart and head had wrestled over what I wanted versus what was best for the man that I loved.

When we came up for air, there were a few hoots and whistles from the direction of our table. I ducked my head into his shoulder, avoiding people’s gazes and breathing him in. The scent of Hunter instantly made me feel at home.

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I should have handled this all better. I thought you knew how I felt, and I wasn’t careful enough to reassure you.” He put a finger under my chin, guiding my face up to look into his eyes. “You make me happy, okay? Happier than anyone ever has. I love you.”

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