Page 50 of Don't Date A DILF

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Tucker gave me a measuring look, and shit, I’d said that on reflex, but there was a bit of truth to it too. Clark was soft and sweet, not feminine but not tall, broad, or scruffy like Tucker. He was petite and cute, someone I wanted to tuck under my arm, someone I wanted to scoop up and hide from assholes like Percy.

I wasn’t bisexual, but if I were, I’d definitely go more for a Clark than a Tucker—and we both knew it.

Tucker chuckled and shook his head. “Ouch, man. Way to bury the dagger.”

I winced. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

He grinned. “That’s all right. Just be careful with whatever is going on, or you and I are gonna have problems.”

“Look, I don’t want to get into all this at work, so just let me say this: You won’t need to ever worry about protecting Clark from me, okay? I’ve got his back.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Tucker swiveled back to his computer, as if he hadn’t just given me the third degree. I counted myself lucky that he was restrained by office etiquette, but I knew he meant what he said. Clark had a large group of friends, and if I got on his wrong side, I was likely to be as sorry as Percy.

Thankfully, we didn’t have to worry about that. Regardless of my confusing thoughts about Clark being my type—if I were into men—this was all for show, and pain in the ass or not, the gossip was a good thing.

The plan was working, and we hadn’t even gone on a single date yet.

Once we did, heads would explode, but Nana’s setups would stop. The women in town would finally get the message I was off-limits. My son would be happier.

Handling a few nosy questions was a small price to pay.

Handling the strange thoughts that had begun to take up residence in my head, about Clark’s small smiles curving his lips in a perfect little cupid bow, his soft laughs that seemed to resonate like someone striking the perfect musical note, even those silly bowties that drew my gaze to his neck again and again…those were the real challenge.

I wasn’t sure yet if fake dating him was the best idea ever or a recipe for disaster.



My doorbell rang at six-thirty,sending me into heart palpitations. Hunter was not due for another hour, and I’d just gotten out of a rather lengthy shower that had involved…inappropriate thoughts about a man who was not my real date. It had seemed reasonable at the time. With hot water beating down on my naked body, it had felt imperative to get those desires out of my system.

Considering how my heart raced as I neared the door in a hastily thrown-on pair of sweats and a tee, I did not think it had worked. In fact, it may have made my little problem worse. Once you gave voice to your wants, it was so much harder to stuff them back into the little Pandora’s box in your head.

When I looked through the peephole, I saw Maisie on my porch instead of my date. Thank goodness.

I opened the door. “What are you doing here?”

She pulled a bottle from her giant-sized purse. “Is that any way to talk to a woman who brought wine?” Her gaze skated over me. “You look like you could use a glass. You’re practically vibrating.”

“Uh, it’s not really a good…” I trailed off as she pushed past me into my house, greeting my traitorous little dog, who hadn’t given one bark of protest as an intruder forced her way in. “Knew I should have gotten a Rottweiler,” I muttered.

Maisie and Mookie both looked at me with matching expressions of disappointment.

“One glass of wine,” I said. “I have a date tonight.”

“I know.” Maisie wiggled her eyebrows. “It’s the big night.”

Maisie had cornered me at school the day after dinner at Nana’s, wanting the full scoop on the gossip. Talking about Hunter with people at school brought up uncomfortable memories of Alexa and her forbidden relationship with the father of her student, which led to scandal. I’d had to remind myself that this was different. It wasn’t a real romance, and Principal Simmons had been fine with it, but there was a part of me waiting for someone to call me out.

“Is the date why you’re here?” I demanded. “You’re really that nosy?”

“Would you believe it if I said no?”

I groaned. “Maisie, this is so not the time.”

“It’s the perfect time!” she argued. “We’ll have a glass of wine to calm your nerves, and then I’ll help you get ready. It’ll be fun! Besides, I had to get away from my family if I was gonna get any grading done.” She slid a stack of papers from her enormous purse onto my dining room table. “I can dog sit while you go on your date.”
