Page 56 of Don't Date A DILF

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Clark had given me a tremulous smile and fled the car as if I were a scary monster instead of a fake boyfriend.

But then…this whole thing was a little scary for me too. Because the more I was around Clark, the more I liked him.

When I had dressed and shaved, Toby met me at the base of the stairs. “What are we doing today?”

Good question. I knew why Toby asked. He was eager to return to my mom’s for Canasta Day, but there was no way I was facing down those women—including Clark’s nana—the day after our first date.

But there was something else I could do. The kitchen still needed a stove, and Nana had all but promised Clark’s assistance.

Spending more time with him would only help reinforce our cover as a couple, I reasoned. And if I got to know him better, I could reassure Holly all the more that he wasn’t cause for concern. If anything, Clark was good for Toby and me.

“I have another idea for today, kiddo,” I said. “Let me make a call.”

* * *


I metHunter and Toby at Moore Hardware on Main Street, a little uncertain of why Hunter had wanted my help. I’d been surprised to hear from him so soon after the date. Especially after the way I’d practically run from the car when he’d kissed my cheek. You’d think I was an innocent maiden who’d never been touched.

But then Hunter Rhodes made me feel that way—even when he was just going through the motions for the sake of our so-called relationship.

No one was in the car though…

I pushed away the thought. Hunter knew I was a crappy liar. He’d only given me less to fib about when Maisie grilled me about the date. A kiss on the cheek was hardly the height of passion, but I’d still fallen into my bed the moment Maisie left and relived it about twenty times, then fantasized about other ways he could have touched me until I came to a crashing climax and guilt swamped me once more.

Hunter hadn’t asked me to do this so that I could perv on him, and I wasn’t maintaining the proper boundaries when I let my mind get carried away.

I’d almost said no today for that reason alone, but he was not easy to resist, so here I was strolling into the hardware store with his arm over my shoulders and Toby at my side, like a little perfect family…that would never be.

“So, what are you looking for in a stove?” I asked, trying to ignore the surprised expression on Evan Moore’s face as we walked by. He wasn’t behind the register often these days. Just my luck that he’d be working now.

Not that we knew each other well, me being older. It was just unnerving to see people I knew watching me with Hunter. It felt as if they were waiting for me to laugh and say, “Just kidding! Hunter would never date me!” But I was sure that was just my insecurities talking. Mostly.

“You’re the one who cooks. I don’t know the first thing about stoves. That was more Holly’s specialty.”

“Because she’s the mom,” Toby chimed in.

“No, not because of that,” Hunter said quickly, looking chagrined. “Your mom just liked to cook, and she was great at it. It had nothing to do with her being the mom. Men can cook too. Like Clark.”

“Oh. But mostly grandmas do all the cooking. I haven’t seen Grandpa make anything.”

“It’s more common,” I said, “but there’s no rules. Now, about this stove…” I looked at the few models on display. “Do you know if your hookup is electric or gas?”

“Gas,” he said.

“That makes sense in an older house.” There were only two stoves that used gas on display. I pointed to them. “These are the only options in stock, but I’m guessing the store can order something else if you want special features.”

“I doubt I’m ready for that,” Hunter joked as he bent to read the little description of features, which was very similar for both stoves. “What should I do? Flip a coin?”

Toby pointed to the stainless-steel stove. “I like this better than the white. It matches our refrigerator.”

Hunter raised an eyebrow at me. I laughed. “Well, I doubt you’d be the first people to choose a stove for looks. They pretty much have the same features, and they’re both decent brands, so…”

“All right, a Whirlpool it is,” he said, with a clap of his hands. “Look at us, picking out a stove together. That’s commitment.”

Toby giggled, clearly enjoying being in on the secret.

“I don’t know whether to call this a win or not. Nana will never stop gloating…”

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