Page 63 of Don't Date A DILF

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Agatha smirked. “That’s all right, dear. It’s not like any of us are really surprised by your choice. Hunter’s choice, nowthatwas surprising…”

At my sigh, she nudged me. “A good surprise though, hon. We’re happy for you.”

I glanced around the room, caught off-guard by all the smiles aimed my way. It seemed noteverywoman in Granville was jealous that I’d bagged Hunter.

I squashed the longing in my heart that it could be true. We were selling this fake dating thing. That was what was important. Not the schoolboy crush I needed to banish.

* * *


I satin a waiting room at Riverton Medical Center while I waited for my father to pass gas. When I’d offered to step up and help out my parents more, this wasn’t really what I’d imagined. Not that I wanted a return to the tumultuous cancer diagnosis, surgery, and ongoing remissions screenings he went through for years while I was in Minneapolis. Nor the heart attack scare that came a few years later.

I was lucky to sit here with only a proctology exam to worry about when my brother had shouldered so much more without me.

Of course, it wasn’t really necessary to drive to Riverton for this appointment, but Dad had been insistent. “I don’t need a bunch of nosy neighbors gossiping about a camera going up my ass,” he’d grumped.

“But Dad, how will they know you’ve made a happy bowel?” I’d teased him, playing off the phrase “make a happy plate” that he’d used when we were kids. “They’ll worry themselves sick.”

I’d been informed that I wasn’t funny.

“Thought you’d be an improvement after Kevin’s sass, but I’m beginning to doubt it,” he’d said, though I’d seen the small smile he’d hidden as he turned toward the window and counted it a win.

My father wasn’t the most demonstrative person. He was a bit of a hermit who hid in his bedroom when Mom held Canasta Club—Mom had probably been threatened with dismemberment to keep quiet about his health concerns—but he loved his family. For a long time, Kevin hadn’t felt secure in that love, but Dad finally showing up at a drag show and praising his—or her?—talent had gone a long way to reassuring both of them.

But now that Kevin had started going out on the road with his truck-driver boyfriend, I was handling more of Dad’s appointments. Mom didn’t drive, but even if she did, Dad wouldn’t let her come to his doctor’s visits anymore because her fretting stressed him out. She’d sent a list of questions I’d been ordered to ask his doctors, and there’d be a thorough grilling when I got home.

A text popped up on my phone while I waited, so I navigated away from Reddit where I was amusing myself withAm I The Asshole?posts. There was no better way to reassure yourself you were a decent human, and after my divorce, I’d found a new appreciation for them.

Kevin was checking up on me.


How did Dad’s proctology appointment in Riverton go?


Still there. Waiting for the man to fart. Apparently it’s a whole thing. Something to do with the colonoscopy procedure.


Aha, so NOW you answer my text!


My brother had been reaching out since the gossip started flying that I was dating Clark, and I’d done my best to put him off—both because I didn’t know the answer to his questions, not without lying, which I didn’t want to do, and also because Kevin deserved to enjoy his time on the road with Garrett. He’d done quite enough on my behalf; he shouldn’t have to talk me through a sexuality crisis too.

Not that it was a crisis as much as it was a question mark.

Kissing Clark hadn’t been planned, but it also hadn’t been distressing. I liked kissing him. A lot.

He was the first man I’d kissed, but his mouth had been just as delicious as any other I’d tasted—if not more so—even with the faint prickle of stubble I’d felt on his jaw. And if I were totally honest, that hadn’t been a bad thing, adding to the zing of sensations overtaking me as I finally gave in to an impulse I’d had more than once.

But kissing a man was one thing. Would I really want to take it further?

Considering the fantasies running through my mind while I’d jerked off every day this week—twice a day, if you wanted to get technical—that answer was yes. I’d even watched a gay porn video. Not my first…I’d watched a few with Holly, just like she’d watched a few lesbian romps with me for fun. Only this time I’d been alone with my dick in my hand, zeroed in on the cute geek who reminded me a bit of Clark. I hadn’t minded that his body was hard, masculine. It’d still been hot as hell to watch him suck a cock.

Now, I couldn’t stop thinking of Clark’s pretty lips wrapped around me as those clear blue eyes gazed up at me with trust. Fuck, it got me hot.
